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my best friend cut me down ... and it hurt (but it also left me LIBERATED!)
Voice + Visibility·Kylie Patchett·Dec 27, 2024· 5 minutes

It's the end of 2022.

I've been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at the grand old age of 47, just four months before. As part of settling into the skin of someone with newly discovered “neurosparkliness,” I decide to be open with my online community about this diagnosis.

I write a heartfelt post, pouring out my relief, my anger, my excitement—everything I’m feeling, all at once. Honestly, it feels like I’ve left my heart on the floor. And while there's a hint of trepidation, the overwhelming sensation is that I’m finally sharing my *whole* self.

And let me tell you, that feels a thousand times better than decades of masking and trying to be more consistent, more polished, more “professional”, less quirky 🙌✨

But, as nerves kick in, I do that thing some of us do… I start to worry about how I’ll be perceived. Especially since so many others in my online world are also getting late diagnoses.

I wonder, is this diagnosis even real? Or am I just flaky, struggling to handle “normal” life, and looking for an excuse?

Fear is beginning to drive the bus.

And honestly, my worst fear isn’t just being misunderstood— it’s being labelled as arrogant or self-centered. So posting something this close to my heart feels like I’m standing on the edge, exposed to rejection and judgment. 💔😬

And then, my very worst fears come true. 

But it’s not some random stranger who calls me out. It’s one of my best friends.

She sends me a message on Instagram saying, “Oh my God, don’t tell me you’re jumping on the ADHD bandwagon FFS”

It feels like a punch to the gut, my body wants to close off, defend, retreat.

I am paralysed in a freeze state for the next 24 hours. 🥊💔

Then something powerful happens. The part of me that *knows* I’m sharing my truth gets seriously angry.

So, I call her and ask, “Wtf gives you the right to judge me wrong for being diagnosed and deciding to share it it?”

We go back and forth for more than an hour because, well like most long-term friendships we've built the capacity to have the sticky convos... 

She explains her point of view, I explain my hurt, and it feels like we're going around and around in circles.

Then she hits me with the worst thing anyone could say: “You’re just selling out, doing what everyone else is doing just to cash in and build a business”

And I experience one of those chiropractic adjustments of the soul moments.

YES - putting myself out there exposed me to judgment, rejection, and misinterpretation — even from those who should know me the best.

BUT - it also set me free.

Because if I can be misjudged by someone I considered a best friend, it proves even those closest to us can misunderstand our intentions + wrongly judge us.

And that? Well, that was liberating 💥✨

In one deeply uncomfortable event I saw so clearly + completely that no matter how "hard" I kept trying to please everyone, I was never going to "win" at pleasing them all. 

So I decide I might as well live and work as my true self, like my whole unadulterated truth is needed + wanted, and that way even if I am judged, persecuted, cut down, misinterpreted ... at least it’s for being *me*.

And here's the kicker:

I realised staying quiet or speaking a diluted version of my truth not only kept me small, dimming my power and leaking my magic

it was keeping me stuck in shitty energy ... feeling unworthy, not ready, and not good enough because I was cutting off THE KEY to all the impact and influence I desired ..

staying connected to my own answers, deeply rooted in my medicine, speaking from my unapologetic self

firmly inhabiting a space + place where speaking my truth felt safe and my success, joy and abundance were a done deal

and that was keeping me hidden from the out-of-the-box people who need me + my quirky medicine the most *and feel like deep delicious delight to work with* 🔥💫

So yes, visibility can be as scary as hell and YES we may repel people. 

But leaning in, sharing our truth and our unmasked, big, bold, full of mess + magic paradox self ALSO means that we're attracting soulmate connections, perfect fit clients, dream collaborators, building self-trust, expanding our little safe + small comfort zones

And there's so much deep magic and freedom when you lean and learn to trust that you can handle whatever comes your way ... no matter what

... which naturally opens you to more expansion and evolution and quantum shifts your biz + life reality as a result.

PPS If you know how it feels to be TERRIFIED to step up and speak from your TRUTH, POWER and MAGIC like I used to be

Join me for SEEN: Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels and Revolutionaries. Think of this as your [storytelling strategy + energetic expansion + self-devotion] magic wand for all your blocks to being seen + heard in your next evolution, so you can claim your seat at the table as the leader you were born to be ...

no people pleasing, witch-wound avoiding, Good Girling, or unworthiness in sight!

We kick off November 15 and she's just $33 for 11 days worth of Voice + visibility activation, plus 2 LIVE calls with me and 3 juicy voice + visibility supportive bonuses. 

and there's only 200 spaces, so ⤵️