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S5E9: I don’t really want to tell you this but here’s my HONEST truth ...
Wild + (finally fcking) Free·Kylie Patchett·Mar 4, 2025· 36 minutes

In this raw and real solo episode, Voice + Visibility catalyst Kylie Patchett gets radically honest about the coaching industry, the systems of oppression baked into some business models, and the ways heart-led entrepreneurs are unintentionally holding themselves back.

If you’ve ever felt like something is off in the online business world — like the hype is outweighing the heart, and the sales tactics feel manipulative instead of empowering — this episode is for you.

Kylie unpacks:

🔥 The toxic patterns in coaching spaces that perpetuate power imbalances
🔥 Why storytelling is the antidote to overcomplication and burnout
🔥 How paradigm shifters, healers, and helpers can step into their real, raw magnetism
🔥 The difference between sharing your polished persona vs. your powerful, human truth
🔥 A clear invitation to stop muddying the waters and start attracting soulmate clients

If you're tired of filtering yourself to fit the mold, afraid to show up in your full truth, or stuck in content that feels… meh, this is your wake-up call. Your message, your magic, your realest self is what makes you magnetic.



It is high time you STOPPED all the polishing, pretending, curating, farcical half-truth telling, systems of oppression proliferating, totally unsustainable clusterfckery that most marketing / coaching / social media 'experts' espouse

and STARTED harnessing your real, raw truth + natural genius zone by sharing the magic + mess of the most unapologetic, clearest, YOUiest version of you + your work in the world through the science + art of storytelling

.. so you can be QUIT attracting non-dreamy clients and BE effortlessly + irresistibly MAGNETIC to the soulmate clients + collabs you truly crave.


Master the fundamentals of Storytelling with Voice + Visibility Catalyst for Paradigm Shifters Kylie Patchett.  MAGNETIC is a 3 hour storytelling masterclass + will drop Monday 17th March Aussie time.

 REGISTER HERE + get INSTANT ACCESS for FREE once she drops.

TRANSCRIPT - S5E9: i don't really want to tell you this but here's the honest truth ...

[00:00:00] Also, trying to be anything apart from who you actually are is fucking exhausting. It's unsustainable and it muddies the waters so that you are actually hiding from the perfect fit clients and you're delaying your inevitable success.

Welcome to the wild and finally fucking free podcast show. This is a space where truth talking gets real behind the scenes. Grit of the future humans is laid bare, and we are celebrating and sharing the real world stories of change agents, neuro sparkly people, the witchy wild women, the deep feelers, the unapologetic senses, the status quo challenges, and the huge hearted healers and helpers.

And guiding you through this wild ride of entrepreneurship and full heart led contribution to the world is me, your host, Kylie Patchett, aka KP. I am a proudly NeuroSparkly, natural born status quo challenger, and I thrive on helping disruptors, rebels and revolutionaries find their voices, amplify their message into the world, and harness their raw potential.

Alchemise it into unleashing your full potency. Not only will I be sharing the behind the scenes of some of the most amazing, most status quo challenging thought leaders, I'll also be lifting the veil behind my own business. In 2024, I 18x'd my monthly income. Still blows my mind to say that. And this year I am leaning into how joyful and fun it would be to shift from six figures to seven figures in a quantum shifting year, all through leading from my full unapologetic voice, my unleashed potency, and with my big wildly lit up heart leading the way.

Every single step of the way. So together with my guests, I am going to [00:02:00] be sharing the mess and the magic. Spilling the tea on the identity shifts behind stepping into thought leadership. Breaking the ties that bind us.

Unlearning old patterns and reweaving brand new ways of living, loving, learning, and leading. We're here to break boundaries, reimagine what's possible, all while collapsing timelines and leading with joy, love, and our fiercest wild woman selves. This is not just a podcast. It is a rebellion. It is a revolution.

It is an invitation to join the Mad Hatter's collective movement. And by Mad Hatters I mean all the colourful, creative, gorgeous, world changing, out of the box humans out there. If you've ever longed to be wild and finally fucking free, this is your sign to lean in. Let's get started. 

Hello, my loves. It is time for a solo episode. This season, I'm going to be sharing many, many more solos because I have a mad desire to expose the simplicity of using storytelling to actually grow a soulful, sustainable business. And I know that I might be triggering you if. You are hearing simplicity and you're like, it is not that freaking simple and probably the reason why you don't think it is simple to grow a soulful, sustainable business is there is so many people in the coaching industry particularly that are benefiting.

From teaching you that you don't have the answers, that it's way more complicated than it needs to be, and that there's some magic pill that only they can actually share with you. And I've just been writing posts all [00:04:00] day and far out, man, I'm fired up. I feel like I'm raging against the machine at the moment.

And the reason why I am raging is because I am seeing a proliferation of huge hearted contribution led. Entrepreneurs, people who I call paradigm shifters are the healers, the helpers, the guides, the mentors, the catalysts, the activators who actually are not sharing their genius zone to the fullest of what they could be.

And then on the flip side, I'm seeing a proliferation of, and I'm using air quotes very, very hard and very, very loud. If you could see me on video, you would know air quotes, eight figure coaches who are selling grossly overinflated, and I'm using air quotes again, value offers. That actually sometimes when you get into them are lacking in substance.

They're all hype and no heart. They're all sales, sales, sales. No substance. They're all love bombing. To get the sale, and then there's no real care and ethics underpinning them. Now, I'm not saying that everybody that identifies as an eight figure coach is being tied with this brush. However, I will tell you that back in 2017 when I left my first iteration of my coaching business, yes.

If I tell the whole story, there was reasons on the surface that made it a very good idea. IE, someone in my family had had a serious accident and I was extremely busy trying to keep my own family and my own self, but my own family, calm and as grounded and centered as possible as we navigated something that was really, really, really fucking painful and tricky [00:06:00] and difficult and intense, but.

The full and unadulterated truth is that my entire business model was centered on me doing the work, me meeting the clients, me holding space for the community. And whilst I was making multiple six figures, all I'd recreated was more of the same old patterning of working hard to make the money, and it was taking a massive toll on me as a human being.

Okay. And if I'm like crystal clear, like telling my truths truth and being as honest as I possibly can, I would also tell you, and it's something that I haven't. Like, I haven't wanted to admit this publicly, but I just wrote a post about it and I was like, you know what? We need to be having these conversations because it is bullshit when people are not being honest with how they are actually holding space for people in the coaching industry.

So my truth is, truth is that. I would have to say that in hindsight I can see a shit ton of codependency and like put on my hero cape and be a MA and jump in and try and fix my clients patterns that were running the show. I was not fully aware of my own trauma response. I did not understand that I was locked in codependency patterns.

I didn't understand how that was impacting how I showed up for my clients and myself, and I certainly didn't understand that. Because I was still bought into the notion that like pieces of paper, when you get a coaching modality or a coaching certification, somehow automatically bestowed some sort of expertise and like I'm all for going and.

Learning something in a formal environment, I'm never gonna diss that. But I will also [00:08:00] say that it does not bestow expertise. It is your lived experience as a human, what you bring to coaching the quality of how many hours you have spent mastering your craft. And here's something else that I really don't want to admit.

It was actually more of the same shit. That is playing out in the world, particularly politically in the States, um, for all of us to see and to actually come to conscious awareness of the pain that these systems cause I, if I'm really honest with you, will now admit that I knew in my heart of hearts at the time that I was just another cog.

Playing her part in just another system of oppression. Just another system that says you are wrong and need fixing. Including myself. This is not just how I looked outwardly at clients, but how I saw myself, another system that had us convinced me, my clients, everybody, that the answers were outside of us.

Another system that said, I am the expert and you need my help, and. Most terrifically for me to actually come to self radical, self-responsibility about is just another part of the system where it says, here is the solution. Now hand me your cash. I was absolutely bloody sick of seeing the hype over heart sales, over substance, like, um.

Pedestal, if that is even a word. I'm not even sure if it's a word and pontificating the bullshit that was going on in the coaching industry all around me. I was ashamed to call myself a coach, and I still carry that shame. That is why I don't call myself a coach, even though I'm a certified coach in multiple different [00:10:00] modalities of coaching.

So you might be asking, well, why the fuck are you back, Kylie? And honestly, in, in, you know, this is like truth talking episode I, I entitled it. I don't really want to tell you this, but this feels like Lansing a boy boil a little bit, honestly, especially lately, and I don't want to go into too much detail 'cause I feel like I'm still quite charged in relation to this particular thing, but.

Something happened where I, yeah, I let the hype, the hype over heart infect me and I made a really bad business decision, one that I deeply regret. Um, one that I have to take responsibility for. My pardon, one that I've been processing for weeks and that's part of the reason why I've been so quiet on social media, 'cause I've been licking my wounds.

So honestly lately I have been asking myself, why the fuck am I back? Do I really want to be anywhere near an industry that proliferates systems of oppression? And here's what I've come to be like, clear and feels like the truth. To begin with, I came back because I could no longer pretend that the corporate cage was for me.

I desperately needed time freedom and I really needed the space to do a lot of healing and trauma healing work. I needed space to take radical responsibility for cleaning up my life in terms of a lot of the self abandonment patterns I had. I was at the stage in my corporate career where I was driving to work every morning, bawling my eyes out, and I actually did say at one stage to my husband, I did actually think what it would feel like to just accidentally have an accident.

And I'm sorry if that activates anyone. I probably should put [00:12:00] a warning at the beginning of this episode, but honestly, that's how out of myself I was how lacking in grounding and how lacking in care and love for myself. And more than that, I was so tired in the corporate cage of being defined by my label, my piece of paper, the productivity I could pump out.

I was tired of playing the game of like towing the party loan no matter how out of alignment it was for me personally. And I was really, really craving creative freedom. I was ready to allow my internal wise woman to lead the show. And very quickly that wise woman told me storytelling and my background and marketing communications was the path to my business.

And my business has grown naturally as a result. And yet still I was holding myself back. I was so afraid of being tired or put in the same bucket as all the people that identify as coach, that I kept my intuitive spiritual self-awareness, unleashing magic under wraps. And I was desperately trying to stay firmly in strategy land.

I did not want to cross into coaching in any stretch of the imagination. And then if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you'll, you'll know that I ended up working with a beautiful, soulful, visionary coach, and I was forced to admit through her beautiful questioning that strategy wasn't enough.

Rather than hiding my gifts and sticking my fingers in my ears and blinders over my eyes, pretending that damage was not being done in this industry, that I would get to fucking work. Building a new paradigm where business can nourish both me, both us, everyone out there listening and our clients, where success does not mean sacrificing your scruples or your sanity, and where capitalist, [00:14:00] hierarchical, extractive damage.

Is replaced by heart empowerment and true care, not just, um, the surface, the shiny surface of the love bombing and the care and adver commas that is like lip service at the moment in the coaching industry by a lot of people. And I'm not saying like, please don't get me wrong. If you're a coach and you're listening to this and you similar to me are led by contribution, by making an impact, by rippling, a positive change out into the world, and you're not identifying with anything that I'm saying, then obviously I'm not talking about you.

But I also know that every single one of you listening will have made a bad business decision like I just did because. And this is particularly for you guys, like, you know, shout out to all the neuros sparkly peeps that I feel like, particularly for people that are on the autism spectrum, we don't tend to be people that can lie about anything like we are literal people.

If you say. You have eight calls. That's what I expect. If you say you're gonna be here at three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, that's what I expect and that's how I communicate as well. And so I fail and I notice in other people I know who are also autistic, that we fail to see, um, duplicity. We fail to read.

Misrepresentation or lies as readily as other people. And again, huge broad brush stroke and huge stereotypical generalization. But I just want to say to you if that is you, if you have been impacted by a coach that you perceive, you know, is further [00:16:00] along in the journey as you telling you that. You don't have the answers inside of you and you need to spend money with them to get the magic pill solution.

And there's something wrong with you if you won't take the next step. That's the, that's the current favorite fucking gaslighting I'm seeing at the moment. Oh, it's the client. That's the problem. And automatically you are labeled as a hater. If you call to question anything that happens in a community that is based on pedestal.

Pedestal. I don't know whether that's a word. Or pontificating from a hyped up substance less pulpit. Woo. That is a tongue tie. Anyway, the reason why I'm going into all of this is that I really, really want to bring to the surface that if you've been impacted by what I will kind of broad brush stroke say, is the bullshit end of the coaching industry.

Like me, I want to give you a clear invitation because you might see that and go, oh my God, I don't wanna be part of this. And that's exactly what I felt, you know, years ago, back in 2017. And I dunno whether it's because I've crossed into this new unfuckwithable fifties era. I just turned 50 a couple of months ago, or a month, just over a month ago.

Or it's because I'm older and wiser and I see the patterns a little bit now, kind of, I don't know, being able to sort of zoom out across many, many years of, um, watching the coaching industry. But the invitation is there for us who are the give a fuck people who work with guiding mentoring, coaching, although, yeah, I don't love that word.

Because even by [00:18:00] definition coaching is very, yeah. Anyway, it's very hierarchical, but I wanna talk to you, if you are someone who identifies as being sucked into some of that messaging, you may also be someone who I look at and go. You are ignoring your genius zone. You're ignoring your natural talents.

You are ignoring what you bring to the table because you are too busy comparing yourself to the other person's, like hyped up reality, inad commas that you see on social media, and you are actually operating from this kind of less than paradigm. And I'm like, dude, we need to get you out of your own way.

Because the truth is your clients don't give a flying rat's buttock. What your put your best foot forward self has to say. They care about what? Yourself that is on your knees at 3:00 AM with despair or delight, self has to say. So if you're only sharing the good stuff and you're creating anything that doesn't feel enough, you are missing a chance to be real and raw and magnetic to your ideal clients and collaborators.

If you're scared to be vulnerable, sharing a mere symbol of that beautiful ocean of your heart and truth. You are also missing a real raw chance to be seen, heard, and recognized by soulmate clients and collaborators. If you're filtering out your true opinions in an attempt to be palatable to all or not rock the boat, you are also missing a real raw chance to be seen, heard, and recognized.

If you're muzzling your rage, like I have been minimizing your deep joy, normalizing the safe emotions, but not your extremes. You are also missing a real raw chance to be seen, heard, and recognized [00:20:00] by soulmate clients and collaborators. If you're creating quantity content just to feed the algorithm, or if you're writing content that you have zero emotional response to and it leaves you feeling me, or if you're only communicating from the chin up with those very safe.

Facts and figures and features that have no chance of communicating, the realness of the transformation and value you have to offer. You are also missing a real raw chance to be seen and heard and recognized by soulmate clients and collaborators. If you're showing up in any way that your besties or your husband, or your family or your partner, the people closest to you would be like, what the fuck is going on there?

That's not her. You are missing a real raw chance to be seen, heard, and recognized by soulmate clients and collaborators, the soulmate clients and collabs that you are currently craving do not care for your unreachable perfection, your unattainable brilliance. Or your inhuman togetherness. They want to see themselves in you.

They want to relate to you and your big, bold heart and desires and ideals. They want to feel seen and heard in the realness and rawness and honest mess and magic. So magnetic will stop you over complicating it because the truth is, the magic is you. The message is you. The niche is you. The answer is you.

The magnetism is you. Not just the good bits, not just the coping, okay bits, not just the curated parts, not just the censored success. Your real raw delight, your real raw despair, your real raw quirks, your real raw mistakes, your real, raw, messy, flawed, imperfectly, perfect human self, because. Any other way is a charade, a fast a half truth.

It means that we are part of the systems of oppression that are bullshitting people, [00:22:00] and I know that you want better than that. Also, trying to be anything apart from who you actually are is fucking exhausting. It's unsustainable and it muddies the waters so that you are actually hiding from the perfect fit clients and you're delaying your inevitable success.

The good news is magnetic will teach you the very, very basics of the art, of storytelling. And storytelling is a simple way to swap all of this polishing, pretending, curating, half truthing, proliferating systems of oppression, totally unsustainable cluster fuckery, and. Putting in its place instead, an easy way for you to be able to share the real raw, magic and mess of the most unapologetic, un, unapologetic, and clear version of you and your work.

And that means that you will be left to be able to be effortlessly and irresistibly magnetic to the soulmate clients and collaborations you crave. And to align to your most nourishing, satisfying, and abundant, impactful timeline of your business success, I'm gonna put the link in down below and you can sign up for magnetic.

She comes out for completely free. You get instant access as soon as it drops on March 17, and so that I am not creating more. Half truth or bullshit proliferation. To be clear, this free event is the lead up to my much bigger and more robust and much more detailed and magical storytelling course, which will be a longer offering.

But whether you choose to share in that experience or not, you will walk away with the foundations of storytelling from magnetic. So I hope you'll join us.

Because I can rage all I [00:24:00] freaking want, but the truth is that raging against the machine is just wasting our energy and actually building new paradigms is what we are here for. So healers, helpers, paradigm, shifters way show us people who give a fuck about the humans that they actually want to help and serve and hold space for.

I am going to give you a little checklist here. I was talking to a client the other day and she said, I know I'm not supposed to say this, but I really don't love my current clients. And that started this delicious, honest, radical, self-responsible and self honest conversation with her. And I wanted to kind of diagnose what was going on.

So I. Was there some mismatch in messaging? Was there some old way of speaking that was somehow letting non-ideal clients come in through the door? Was it a process problem? Was it a sales problem? Um, was it like a lack of confidence problem? And so as we were diagnosing this, I was like, I need to talk about this on the podcast because if you have a current reality in your business where you are with non-ideal clients, here's what could be happening.

Number one, you are not clear on who you really wanna work with, so your vanilla copy puts up the back bat signal to all sorts of people, even the ones that don't fit. Now, I've talked about this before on the podcast, but if you're new around here, I love storytelling because to me, storytelling is a super easy skillset to.

Remember, because we've all been doing it for entire lives. It's the way that our brain lights up in recognition, engagement relating to another human. If I tell you a story and I say this morning when I got out of bed, the wind [00:26:00] was wild because we have a cyclone on the off the coast of Australia at the moment, and I opened the door of my office and the wind was so strong that my entire altar just inside the door got swept off.

And a candle or candle holder shattered on the floor. Now, I just gave you a story. I said I woke up, it's windy. I gave you the reference point of a cyclone, which for some of you will be a hurricane or a typhoon depending on where you live in the world. And I gave you something with a few senses. I open the door, you're probably imagining opening a door, and I've given you something to anchor into, which is.

S my altar got swept away. That's how wild the wind is. So all of you out there listening are either making a picture or having a physical imagined story happening for you, which is far more engaging and relatable. And I know that's just a silly little example than me saying this morning it was windy.

Like that's factual, right? And this is what I see in sales copy and content all the time. You need to do A, B, and C. You have not even piqued my interest. You're telling me facts. You're giving me features. I'm bored, especially if I'm neuros sparkly. My attention is six squirrels away by now. Whereas if you're telling me a story, I'm like, Ooh, tell me more.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yep. I can see myself there and you've got my attention, so you may not be clear with who you're really wanting to work with. So you've got blah, blah, blah, vanilla copy and that. Often allows, uh, what's the right way of saying this non-ideal. I was gonna say in ideal, but that doesn't sound right.

Or you are clear on who you wanna work with, but you're too scared to step into the next evolution of your work. So you're doing what I call is just because you can doesn't mean you should [00:28:00] work. So you're working with clients that you always have done or that feel safe, that don't feel like they're stretching you outside of your.

Um, known comfort zone, and there's no challenge there. And what happens with that is again, you can have fear driving the show, so you are going to say yes to non-ideal clients, and therefore your energy is reverberating at that, and you're more than likely sharing on your social media or in your newsletter.

Stuff that relates to the existing clients that are no longer a good fit because you're scared to be inker, to step up and say, actually, I only wanna work with these people. Now, I will say that there is no, like, when I say hierarchy in the coaching world, there's no hierarchy, um, that exists when we are inside of our scope and our expertise and our ability as a coach or guide, or a mentor, or however you identify yourself.

If you're stepping into next evolution, people that you know you can work with. I always like to be very honest with clients. So if I've only ever worked with, say, new people in business and I want to actually step into working with people who have been in business, say four or five years, they've got an existing product suite, but actually they're now up to editing 'cause they want to refresh and step into a new evolution.

I will say that to them. I will say. My usual genius zone is working with people at the beginning of their business, but what I'm noticing is that I'm called to bring in this extra skillset that I have for editing. So for actually guiding you to your own answers about what feels like a fuck yes, off suite and what feels like a oh shit, no type of thing.

So there's no shame in stepping into that. That is not the type of hierarchy, I mean, the hierarchy, I mean that I hate in the coaching industry is saying, I'm the coach, therefore I have the answers, and you do not. Therefore, I have the power and you do not. Therefore, if you question me, [00:30:00] you are somehow a hater and you have no ability to choose or express your needs of wants and desires.

Um, the thing that could be happening if you're letting unideal or inal non-ideal clients in, is that you're too busy laboring over what to say, that you are actually saying nothing at all. And in that vacuum you are creating, you are letting anyone in often because you need the cash flow, because you haven't been powerfully calling in the people that you want.

Again, no shame on this. This is just a self-reflection, like self-honesty exercise. Or possibly you're trying so hard to follow some magic formula that is like a business model or a sales script or how to get, you know, turn up on social media that. When you are sharing your gift, you feel so out of alignment that you would rather stick a fork in your eye or get a root canal than write copy and content.

And that's when procrastination resistance comes out to play. Um, that's actually in all honesty where I've actually been because I have really, really gone through a massive period of doubting myself because I got sucked into something that I thought I was smart enough to. Sniff out a mile away and I've gone through a full month of just going, oh my God, I don't even know what I'm doing here.

I'm glad to say that I've come back to a natural center. Um, but that's, that's where I've been, I haven't been communicating at all because I'm like, I don't wanna write about this 'cause I don't, I am not even sure I wanna be part of this industry. So what you're hearing is me kind of verbally processing that.

Um, after I've actually come to some place of neutrality, because I can tell you what, if I was recording this when it first happened, I would've been probably shouting in your ear. So we have come a long way. Um, something else that can be happening if you've got non-ideal clients is you're making the mistake of using jargon or fluffy language to describe your work instead of using language that your clients that you're calling in actually understand and [00:32:00] resonate with.

So when your, what I call bat signal is kind of, there's turbulence or dissonance or, um, terms that people don't understand. There's no magnetism. Like, it's like you're kind of putting interference out there instead of your magnetism, right? So one of the very, very easy ways to do this is to go and grab my rave reviews.

Um, instant download, I think it's $49. Us and it steps you through exactly how to get raving rave reviews from ideal clients by actually baking them into your processes. Because if you're anything like most of my clients and also me to be honest, uh, if we leave asking for testimonials to ourselves often.

Fear doubt, or I can't even be bothered doing that now. So any sort of resistance comes up and plays out this pattern of like, oh, I don't wanna bother them. So that's why I actually say bake them into your processes as quick as you can, and that download actually includes every single question that I would recommend that you ask.

And they're designed so that instead of actually having to make up a way of. Speaking about you and your offer and how it feels to be undergoing that transformation. The client is actually speaking for you so you don't have to figure out the language that your clients understand and resonate with because your clients are actually telling you.

It's like one of my secret, secret, secret little squirrel things that I do with all clients. Uh, as I mentioned before, the other thing that could be happening is that you are dealing with chin up in your copy and content, so you are dealing with facts, figures, features instead of harnessing storytelling to literally paint a vision of the reality of your client's.

Hearts souls and [00:34:00] everyday reality right now, and what will open up for them as a result of this offer. And again, I gave a very, very quick, you know, down and dirty example then of opening my office store this morning. But that is a very good example of the difference between my offer is three sessions versus.

I know how, what it feels like to be in this place and painting the picture of where they are now, what they're thinking, what they're feeling, what do they feel limited by? What are they saying about themselves? What are they believing to be true? What do they believe are their biggest barriers? What do they actually need to set themselves free?

What do they think they need to set themselves free? All of these things. Um, and the other thing that I talked to this client about from my notes here is. If you've, if you've got non-ideal clients coming into your business ecosystem, I would almost guarantee that you don't have what I like to call like a million percent fuck yes.

Conviction around the offer that you've actually attracted non-ideal clients for. And what happens with that is if you don't have complete conviction, like, oh my God, this is the best thing freaking ever, and I don't mean hype. I mean grounded conviction in what you're offering, what the transformation is, what the value of the transformation is.

Um, you've got, you know, client testimonials and if you don't have that, you've interviewed people that would be ideal fit for this and you've actually really pulled out their wants, needs and desires. And if you haven't done that and you've got no conviction, you are not sharing loud and proud about this offer and that half-assed or doubting vibe impacts.

Who is coming in. So if we wanna go completely woo, you are putting out one frequency, which is, I don't know about this offer, and it's a bit murky and whatever, and you're actually going to be attracting people that are attracted to unclear offers. And [00:36:00] often those people are pretty tricky to work with because.

They are also extremely unclear and they're often looking for you to fix something for them, and that is not your role. That is the old hierarchy of the coaching industry, and we are not here for this. We are here to stay inside of our own ethical, moral, human responsibility to be inside of our education, inside of our.

Um, you know, if there was a code of ethics for, for coaching, please God, there will be one day. And so, education, evidence, and ethics. So there's three E's that keep on coming to me when, you know, the, the water gets very muddied when we step outside of those. And this comes back to the, just because I can doesn't mean you should.

So what is your real genius zone? What is it that you act like you shine at? You can do as naturally as breathing. You probably don't have any value put on it because that's the majority of people that I work with. They're not actually noticing their natural gifts. And they're not noticing that other people can't access things as easily as they can in this genius zone.

And so what happens is you are downplaying your gifts and diluting your strengths and not sharing with conviction. Meanwhile, the people. Who don't necessarily have the substance behind their offers or are artificially raising, you know, the inverted comma value of their offers so that they can charge people, you know, $20,000 plus for high touch masterminds that end up being like, you know, five minutes of hot seat coaching if you're lucky, once a month.

And don't even get me started about that. Um. So instead of actually those people being the [00:38:00] loudest, most confident, most magnetic voices in the marketplace, we need to break the back of these people. We need to get you, you paradigm shifters, you, magicians, you, witchers, you, woo woo. Folks, you out of the out of the box paradigm shifting people that are creating new pathways for people.

We need to simplify, clarify, and amplify your voices. So you can create the impact and yes, the influence and the income that you desire because you are actually delivering on what you say you are. You are operating inside of your scope. You are crystal clear with your ethical and moral responsibility to other humans, and you are operating with.

The beauty and the intention, and I guess, I mean, the word that's coming to me is the innocence, but I don't like, I don't know. I feel like innocence has been, it's almost like a negative kind of connotation, but I mean the pureness of intent that you actually truly want to make a contribution and help and.

When all of that is clean and clear, when you understand your genius, when you understand your transformation, when you understand the art of storytelling, you can get the fuck on with creating the new paradigms and creating businesses where you are deeply nourished and your clients are. There's no one of us wins and one of us doesn't.

There's no one of us has power and one of us doesn't. There's no hierarchy of like. The lovers who are, you know, drinking the Kool-Aid for the big figure coaches and the people that are labeled the haters because they're questioning the actual value. So I guess we could also call this Kylie on her soapbox, but really in conclusion, in summary, [00:40:00] there's an invitation for all of us.

So if you have also been raging against the machine, and particularly about what is going on in the world with people being stripped of rights, we cannot be part of a coaching industry that does the same thing and not call the behavior out and not expect better from ourselves and better from each other.

So I hope that you'll join me for Magnetic. It is coming up later in March. I haven't even created the sales page yet at the time of recording of this, but that's my next job. Uh, and yeah, come and join me and learn how to really, really anchor into who you are, what you stand for, what you stand against, and the actual genius zone that you have to bring to the world.

And then later on in March, I will be opening the doors to something extremely special and not grossly overinflated in value. That will actually help you to understand how to harness all of those things through the art of storytelling and convert them into the most magnetic and most irresistible to ideal clients.

Fuck yes, product suites. Fuck yes. Offers. Fuck yes, sales pages. Amazing, easy flowing messaging on social media or whatever visibility channels you have. So from me to you, I love you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. Thank you for allowing me to channel my rage into something useful. And I just wish you so much heart and so much love and my.

Ah, my wish for you is that you only ever find yourself in places and spaces that help you amplify your own answers. Connect to your own wisdom and get out there and deliver your freaking [00:42:00] magic to the world. And like, I mean, deliver in a big way, like spray that glitter freaking everywhere. All right, so much love.

Until next time.

There you go beautiful one, another delicious, juicy, truth talking episode with a Disruptor, Rebel or Revolutionary sharing the identity shifts. And the mess and the magic of leading right on the edge of your expansion and going first as a visionary leader, as a woman creating a business, and inviting people to completely new ways of learning, living, loving, and leading.

It is not lost on me that you have invested your time and your energy in listening to the show. I am so grateful for your beautiful heart, for the work that you do in the world, and I know that if you're here you are more than likely one of what I call the Mad Hatters. So the quirky, colourful, creative, out of the box, often neuro sparkly paradigm shifters and thought leaders.

So I'm so grateful that you're here. If you loved this episode, which I'm sure you did, please do me a favour and share it with someone else who needs to understand that their quirkiness and their full unapologetic self expression is more than enough, and in fact is the secret source to growing a wildly successful, abundant, nourishing, sustainable business.

So here is to us, the Mad Hatters. The crazy out of the box people saying no to old paradigms and inviting into the new. And if you'd love to go the extra mile, please make sure that you subscribe on the platform that you're on so you never miss an episode. And hey, it would be sweet, sweet, sweet if you would leave us a five star review.

It means the world to us and it helps us get this truth [00:44:00] talk and this magic and this power out to even more Mad Hatters. So have a beautiful day and I will speak with you next week.