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I thought I was betraying him...
Voice + Visibility·Kylie Patchett·Feb 28, 2025· 6 minutes

I thought I was betraying him.

It's October 22nd.

I'm sitting outside on my back deck in Aussie springtime on a coaching call for my current mastermind, and when it's my turn to speak I want to talk about SEEN.

SEEN: Voice + Visibility Activation had been conceived in a call the week before, and she was growing momentum in my field. When I connected to her she told me "I am a circle of 200" so emphatically there was no way I could argue, because I could FEEL her answer so clearly. 

And yet once I disconnected my little teeny fear brain started to argue LOUD. 

"there is no fcking way you could have 200 in circle inside of the next 3 weeks"

"your list has watched you pivot too many times, they're confused"

"you've never ever done anything like this before - I mean a storyteller is one thing, but wrapping that up with mindest and energetic healing + coming out of the broom closet as a POWERFUL WITCH is too much!"

My coach asks "How many people would we like to invite inside?" and before I can stop myself I say "well I would like 200, but I can't see how that could happen"

The rest is a little bit blurry - as is always the way when you have a chiropractic adjustment of the soul ... basically my kick ass perceptive coach kept asking until we got to the root of the resistance.

Fear of Success! well fck me.. I did not see that coming. 

and UNDER THAT fear of success ... a belief that if I showed my FULL POWER, I would MAKE MONEY EASILY ... and would be betraying my Dad. 

My dad - biggest supporter, most loved departed guide, my best friend.

and also a man who grew up in the 1920s Australian Depression, a man who WORKED HARD his entire life, a man who believed MONEY WAS NOT EASY TO COME BY. . . who tracked EVERY CENT he spent and earned in little yellow exercise books for decades of his life. 

My dad - who wanted the absolute best for me - and who also showed money could not be easy. 

And me, the dutiful loving daughter that I am - took that ocean of limitation and scarcity I swam in during my childhood and kept living that pattern rinse + repeat because to ditch it and switch it to making money easily felt like I was dishonouring, disrespecting, betraying him.

HOLY SHIT. ok so cue the tears 😭

and then cue the "OMFG he would not WANT me to be struggling forever" chiropractic adjustment ...

and on the other side ...

I feel like I have literally lived a decade in the last 7 weeks since that call. My reality is shifting so rapidly that I might meet a past version of myself in the hallway from the hour before.

- 200 of the most magickal humans inside of SEEN live, almost 100 in the self study version, an accidental $15k+ launch from a $33 product for goodness sake!

- opening a wildly expansive mastermind coming up in 2025 where I am finally bringing all of my power + magick to the table and co-creating the sort of elevation + evolution I have found myself surfing

- creating a home membership for the Mad Hatter's Style people I love the most - the out-of-the-box, witchy, woo, wild, and wonderful disruptors, rebels and revolutionaries and mapping out an entire suite of new activation and mini-minds 

- blowing straight past my "ultimate monthly income goal" and into some strange, wonderful, wacky new stratosphere where the more I am ME, the more easily MAGNIFICENT perfect match clients are magnetised to my field, and SO MUCH FREAKING overflow pours in - it is astounding. 

- I am making more money, with more ease and way more magnetism than I understood was possible.

COMPLETE + UTTER timeline collapsing up-levelling - 7 weeks and what feels like a lifetime of shedding skins.

This - my friends ...  is the power:

Of stripping away all the layers of "not you"

from the ocean you've been swimming in

from childhood

from society

from your family of origin

from your culture

from past relationships

and resetting to YOUR CHOSEN RULES OF REALITY - on your terms.

Of digging under all the big mindset barriers

fear of success

fear of failure

fear of not belonging

fear of not being good enough

fear of your own power

fear of claiming a seat at the thought leader table

Of drastically expanding your energetic capacity

to hold more

to feel more

to receive more

to welcome more

to use your voice more

to follow your heart more

to be seen more

to allow that delicious VIBE of YOU to be UNLEASHED into the world. 

Of being in spaces where you are EXPANDING

recalibrating from good to great

reweaving from lack to overflow, always

reclaiming all your mf power

reaching for your liberation rather than your learned limitation

celebrating and honouring the fullness of YOU

and being pulled into a slipstream of inevitable success. 

This is the power of BEING HELD + WITNESSED + CHALLENGED through perceptive coaching, and especially in a mastermind environment being witnessed by your sisters

(because we can't even see our own blindspots, no matter how powerful a coach we are ourselves)

and of combining custom-crafted strategy ON TOP OF a solid foundation of the truth of who you are...


As I continue into a quantum-collapsing 2025 - I am already wrapping the layers of support around me knowing that what I desire most right now is

(1) an expansive IDENTITY-SHIFTING space to be fully seen and recalibrate to overflow again and again and again and

(2) a SKILL-SHARPENING + HEALING energy medicine apprenticeship because I now have the best evidence I could possibly ever had that my FULLY LIBERATED PURPOSE is to combine

- magnetic storytelling strategy

- ritual and ceremony for identity shifting and co-creation with life

- energetic healing + reweaving and

- mindset mastery at the deepest of levels 

and to do that --- I go first, I experience, I evolve, I learn, and I bring it all back to fold into my own offerings and gift to each and every divine client I have the honour of serving now and in the future.

mmmmm mmmm mmm doesn't that feel DELISH!