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Can you hold the pose…

Can you hold the pose…

- of a woman who clearly speaks her truth?
- of a woman who is a thought leader and wayshower?
- of a visionary CEO who knows her success is inevitable
- of a biz woman who launches effortlessly?
- of a woman who is so clean and clear with her?message she magnetises F YES clients with ease?

Stand up right now. Plant those beautiful feet on the floor. Ground your energy through the floor, the layers of the building and into the earth …

feel how fcking supported you are (by mama earth, by your ancestors, by the wise woman inside, by gravity itself)

Now inhale through your calves, your shins, your thighs, and breathe deep into your pelvic bowl

(you’re a m/fcking creatrix, you were born to birth, to weave, to craft new futures, to heal your lineage, to transmute the dark and the mystery, the anger and the pain and alchemise it into action, truth, new paradigms)

And now breathe into your whole front body, your chest your heart ❤️ and breathe all the way up the back body, every vertebrate, into the spaces in between your ribs ….

Allow your collar bones to spread wide, to be like a magnificent curtain rod with your glorious shoulders draping settled wide and low …

Breathe deep into that throat of yours, into your beautiful face, the point between the eyeballs, the space between the two halves of your brain.

(Feel the golden thread of awareness and instinct connecting you to the whole web of humankind, the entire universe at your disposal.

Be in your whole body, breathe your whole body, and allow your gaze to settle forward, relaxed and open.


All your magic, all your power, all your magnetism glowing out of every pore.

Now - hold the pose.

💫 Hold the pose is an expansive identity-shifting energetic / mindset ninja skill … one that will blow the lid off your potency (in biz and life, you’re Grounded in your sovereignty and power

🤞as opposed to act as if / fake it till you make is which is driven by lack, hustle and sticky trying hard by not really trusting yourself energy

It's time to EXPAND your capacity to be SEEN + HEARD + RECOGNISED as the WORLD-CHANGING LEADER you were born to be.


SEEN is an 11-day Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels and Revolutionaries - just $33


S4E15 On Tuning In and the Power of Pivot with Kylee Bond
S4E16 The Myth of 'Scary Music' for Mental Health with Sarah Martin


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