reverse engineering a quantum leap
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Decided this was the year no more fucking around, I’d stand my ground and back myself
Set up layers of support in multiple ways - joined an online community marking the seasons of the year and grounded into natures cycles, worked with powerful womb healer to clean up old ancestral denseness which also led me reconnect with the power and magic in the same lineage that I’d not been able to allow myself to access before,
joined a mastermind and started (re)learning my magick including ritualising my work, money and self connection.
Learnt how potent my Chiron return in April was which felt like a “get ready to fly” universal wink’
Doubled down on my self care routine including somatic processing and a new daily hypnotherapy practise
learnt to manage a health condition that was causing chronic pain and costing me mental and kwtopnal bandwidth
Hired my first two team members and then consolidated back to one, built systems and handed over stuff I hate / am not good at
Started speaking my desired future out loud, owning my real desires rather than downplaying laying them or limiting what o thought ‘could be possible for me
No longer tolerated any external muddy energy on my field - deep cleansed my relationships, disconnected from friendships were not the loving, compassionate give and take I desired
Really fucking owned that my ability to receive was set to sub zero (hat tip to being a parentified kid with no receivership reference on my somatic landscape to tap into) … so found and consumed free content from a receivership leader on repeat, then joined a program with her recently.
Deep cleaned my home and shed (we have a MASSIVE shed on our property .. which by definition means a lot of space to store a lot of shit) … I love to declutter anyway but I took to a whole new level. Old tax files, paperwork from a legal matter that held a lot of charge, old client files and paperwork from my first online business not just discarded but burnt … trusting the alchemical process of flame to do the work of resetting my timeline
Meditated and journaled at a much more regular pace and also practising non-guilt when not doing it every single day
Worked at mastering my craft and fine tuning who I really wanted to serve - stopped taking jobs ‘for the money’ and focussed all my love, attention and messaging on attracting more and more of my joy fuelled client relationships
Learnt more practical stuff - building funnels, better sales copywriting, tried and failed a few different types of products and kept pivoting to open up more joy, more satisfaction and far more income
Got real with the clisterfckey of having two ends to my business that made no sense together (storytelling and menopause) and cut out the one that I realised was just a “stage of life, wtf is this” interest rather than something I wanted to stick around in
Severed ties with two clients after providing to myself one more time that over delivery was not the way to grow a sustainable business (even if it meant refunding money when cashflow was boom and busting) - saying no to wrong fit opened up so much more love and light from perfect fit clients
Trusted my instincts and stopped trying to business plan - finally figured out and then again an again received confirmation that my gut knows the way
Which led me to read a book that changed the way I saw my business in June, opened up a whole new perspective about me working in collab with the soul of my business and message … and spent far more time in my heart and soul than in my head.
Which led me to making a big jump to
joining a second mastermind with author of the above book, someone who does business (and life) in a way I deeply admire, someone who is also neurosparkly
who just as I entered her world was committing to her own jumping do timelines and quantum shifting from rinse and repeat $40k months to a new floor of $100k mainly from digital products
and being loud and proud about earning bountiful money and utilising it for massive social and environmental impact
Which led me to being in a container that’s been like a slipstream of expansion for me and REALLY believing it was possible for me to literally pluck my most abundant, joyful, impactful timeline out of the air and jump no holds barred onto that sucker … with 1000% conviction that the last four months of this year was GO TIME.
On October 16 I made another commitment - in the middle of a Voxer coaching session - to go all in on my desires in terms of the humans I called in, the leaders I helped clarify and amplify their messages, the rebels and revolutionaries I attracted and
in terms of owning the power and magick that was always inside me but felt just too tricky or heavy to hold
- like a little kid in mama’s high heels and ball gown (she can wear them … but she’s tripping and that strap is slipping off her shoulder so she can’t stand tall or truly herself)
And with no exaggeration at all, every aspect of my life has changed.
My relationships
My future
My family’s future
My freedom
My satisfaction
My conviction
My self trust
My community
My income
My influence
My impact
The delicious, much desired, much longed for but never quite believed in cherries on top!
All this to say.
Your past doesn’t dictate your future.
You can decide today that your message and it’s medicine are far too important for the health and survival of the planet to hide under that limited, less than worthy, less than deserving bullshit your inner critic might try to serve up.
Your gut and the soul of your business already know the blueprint for your message - trust them.
You can rally support in whatever ways you can - self support being the most powerful and pivotal of them all - because deciding you’re not fucking around anymore and will not self-abandon is hands down the most impactful dot point on this entire list.
You can choose to pluck that most abundance, joyful, impactful timelines of your own out of the ether and jump on that sucker.
Your identity is the key 🔑 so if you’re doing all the strategising / thinking / planning / striving but you’re not investing the same if not more time and space in the healing / processing / pattern interrupting / resourcing / claiming your desire stuff it’s kind of like heading out to sea with oars but no rudder or keel… you can try all you want but it’s going to be way harder to navigate, way more exhausting and way more stressful on all levels to get to where you want to go.
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