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S5E4 Summer Series: Aligning Your Business with Nature for Abundance, Fulfilment and Impact with Sam Garcia
Wild + (finally fcking) Free·Kylie Patchett·Jan 28, 2025· 61 minutes

Sam Garcia is here to connect your business and life with the genius systems of Nature. She is a business coach, healer, regenerative agriculture expert, and best-selling author.

Sam believes that business is the ultimate vehicle for shadow work and soul evolution, and has the biggest impact potential to change the world (or totally disrupt our fucked up society), more than any meditation or non-profit can.

She works with a host of modalities for business resilience—strategic, energetic, psychological, and magical—to drastically change your business landscape to one that honors your nature, our collective, and the earth.

Sam & her husband Eddy work and live off-grid on their regenerative farm on Maui with their 2 dogs, cat, ducks, chickens, peacocks, cows, sheep, and wild boar.

After reading Sam's book Regenerative Business recently, I knew I had to get her on the show STAT - here's what we dive into

  • Sam's midwest good girl conditioning around work and worth
  • How a Physics degree pivoted into working as a freelance marketer, and later, the identity shifts of moving behind-the-scenes to business owner
  • How Sam's "bathtub analogy" moment around climate change in college led to moving to Maui and understanding of permaculture
  • Industrial Revolution style of business and workers being simply a "cog in the machine" with profit for the 1% as the only measure of success
  • And comparing this to a Regenerative Business working with the same principles of a naturally balanced, naturally abundant and self-regulating system in nature
  • The concept of the soul of our business, and Sam's energetic, magical and spiritual practises and working with the unseen energies for business support

Get the first 2 chapters of Sam's book REGENERATIVE BUSINESS & unleash the abundance, fulfillment, and impact you crave here

Read Sam's Regenerative Business Series at https://regenerativebusinesscreationlab.com/


Hey there beautiful! I have something for you! ⤵️


once ipad shadow

Cookie-cutter copywriting frameworks would have you believe that you need to write in a specific way

But the problem is (for us heart-driven paradigm-shifters at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.

🚫 Writing like this can feel like you are SELLING YOUR SOUL, and can fuel a mistaken belief you have be a BS artist to make it in business.

🚫 Worse still - you REPEL YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS - the ones who are deep feelers and thinkers like us, the ones who are ready for the transformation and paradigm-shifting work you actually do!

⬇️ Download your ONCE UPON A TIME storytelling guide to learn ...

✍️ The difference between copywriting + storytelling, and how you're repelling your ideal people when you're using one-size-fits-all copywriting that doesn't feel like you

✍️ Storytelling structures you (may not know, but already love) from movies and exactly how to use these structures in your business, to share stories and build know, like and trust with your community and

✍️ The 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing right now, so you can be magnetic to the people who need + want you the most, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!





TRANACRIPT - S5E4 Summer Series: Aligning Your Business with Nature for Abundance, Fulfilment and Impact with Sam Garcia

Sam Garcia: [00:00:00] if you have a meditation practice, like if you can take 10 seconds in that meditation to be like, okay does the spirit of my business as a soul of my business have anything to tell me today?

Welcome to the wild and finally fucking free podcast show. This is a space where truth talking gets real behind the scenes. Grit of the future humans is laid bare and we are celebrating and sharing the real world stories of change agents, neuro sparkly people, the witchy wild women, the deep feelers, the unapologetic senses, the status quo challenges, and the huge hearted healers and helpers.

And guiding you through this wild ride of entrepreneurship and full heart led contribution to the world is me, your host, Kylie Patchett, AKA KP. I am a proudly neuro sparkly natural born status quo challenger, and I thrive on helping disruptors rebels and revolutionaries find their voices, amplify their message into the world and harness their raw potential.

Alchemise it into unleashing your full potency. Not only will I be sharing the behind the scenes of some of the most amazing, most status quo challenging thought leaders, I'll also be lifting the veil behind my own business. In 2024, I 18x'd my monthly income. Still blows my mind to say that. And this year I am leaning into how joyful and fun it would be to shift from six figures to seven figures in a quantum shifting year.

All through leading from my full unapologetic voice, my unleashed potency, and with my big wildly lit up heart leading the way. Every single step of the way. So we are going to share the mess and the magic, the tea on identity shifting behind thought leadership. [00:02:00] So together with my guests, I am going to be sharing the mess and the magic, spilling the tea on the identity shifts behind stepping into thought leadership, breaking the ties that bind us.

On learning old patterns and reweaving brand new ways of living, loving, learning, and leading. We're here to break boundaries, reimagine what's possible, all while collapsing timelines and leading with joy, love, and our fiercest wild woman selves. This is not just a podcast. It is a rebellion. It is a revolution.

It is an invitation to join the Mad Hatter's collective movement. And by Mad Hatters, I mean all the colourful, creative, gorgeous, world changing, out of the box humans out there. If you've ever longed to be wild and finally fucking free, this is your sign to lean in. Let's get started.

Hello, hello, hello, my love. Kylie here. Happy, happy new year. You are just about to dive into a very special summer series episode because I worked all the way through Christmas and New Year but I'm taking some space and grace because I'm just about to turn 50. So, whilst I'm offline, enjoying and celebrating and marinating in stepping into a whole new decade, we have chosen a few of our favorite episodes.

And here is one, enjoy. May your new year be full of everything you need, want, and desire. And I will see you, or you will hear from me on the other side of the Festival of 50. Let's dive in.

Kylie Patchett: Hello, everybody. Welcome to another podcast episode. I have a very special guest today because her book literally just blew my mind apart and put it back together. Welcome Sam Garcia. How are you? I'm good. [00:04:00] I'm great. It's I'm used to talking to people at 7am my time. Cause I'm in Hawaii and it's like 1pm.

Sam Garcia: So I'm like rolling. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. So it's, what is it to me? 9am. So I'm actually at peak energy as well. So that's good. That's a good combo. Now for, I'm sure that most people listening to this podcast will already know you, but if they don't, can you please introduce your beautiful self? 

Hi, my name is Sam Garcia.

I wrote the book, Regenerative Business, How to Align Your Business with Nature for More Fulfillment, Impact, and Abundance. I have built my business as a marketing agency for spiritual online businesses and it's been a decade now of supporting really innovative, cool, creative humans grow their business and then now doing a lot of work around training, consulting, coaching with regenerative business.

And, I also live on Maui with my husband, who's a regenerative farmer and am an environmental activist. And the pulsing heart at the center of my being is really around working with the earth and aligning all of us to nature. And Also creating sovereignty, because I personally think that society is collapsing, at least over here in the 

Kylie Patchett: U.

Sam Garcia: S. Yeah yeah, oh, yes, everywhere. We really, yeah, we really need humans who are sovereign, who have the resources and the mental, emotional, spiritual capacities to be outside of the system. While it crumbles. 

Kylie Patchett: Yes, absolutely. This is, you've just captured in your intro, exactly what I got out of reading your book.

Cause I was just saying to you, so I, now I have to confess something. I bought your book when you released it. And then it sat on my Kindle for an entire [00:06:00] year. I have so many of those. It's like my Kindle library is so full. I hate reading things on a Kindle. Like I, I hate not having a physical book in my hand.

So usually I order on Kindle, I get into it and then the physical book must be, 

Sam Garcia: yeah. 

Kylie Patchett: But I bought yours and then my husband actually overtook my iPad, to be honest. That's why the Kindle was not being, anyway, that's a whole other story. And I was on Instagram about, I don't know, maybe a month ago.

And I was just just doing the normal. And I saw a post that you put up saying it's the, year anniversary of the book. And I was like, downloaded that book. Where is it? And I went and found it, and I, shit you not, it is freezing. Where I, thought you just read it. I literally, this is why I reached out to you.

I'm like, oh my God, I need to have you on this podcast because. I started reading at about eight o'clock on a Saturday night and I ended up reading it on my phone screen. So not even on a big screen on my phone screen under the covers. So I wouldn't wake my husband up until two o'clock in the freaking morning.

That's how much I loved it. Because. You put words to concepts that I'm and I will ask you about your kind of history with working hard, but I was trained to work hard. My worth was in how much how many hours and how much energy I could bleed out to get something done.

Yeah, got lots of different degrees and all those sorts of things, but you were putting words To concepts that I had about things being broken and I am a like born nonconformist like a rebel against anything that you say I have to do and but I hadn't ever understood that you could capture a different way of running a business and being a human.

and being sovereign when you actually use the same principles that work in regeneration in farming. And I was like, so this is why you're here. So I literally, that's my confession. Anyway, thank you for [00:08:00] writing the book. And before we even go into anything about what regenerative business means, I want to go backwards to you talk about in the book, like you're like, you've got a degree in physics, which you've Not ever used, which makes me giggle.

Cause I have one of those too, not in physics, in cell biology of all things. So tell me more about that. So you're, at college, you've got, you're doing the college thing, but you've also been conditioned to be a good girl, high performer. You talk about being like the most, most likely to succeed type of person.

Can you take us back to Sam of that age and what you actually thought about? Yeah. Work and how the world must work. 

Sam Garcia: Okay. I'm going to a good 

Kylie Patchett: question. 

Sam Garcia: This is yeah we'll see what rabbit holes we go down with this, but I grew up in an artist household. My mom went to art school and both of my parents, graphic designers.

So in my, like my dad's dad started a graphic design business in Detroit. Yeah, had all of the, and this was graphic design before there was canva or photoshop, so like actual markers in every single shade because you needed to have so all of that. 

Kylie Patchett: Oh 

Sam Garcia: my god. Sounds like it. And this was in Michigan, which is in the Midwest with the like, metro Detroit Motor City.

With a failing auto industry because of outsourcing to manufacturing outside of the right? And so both of my parents really struggled like my grandpa. Awesome. He did just my so successful as a graphic designer in Detroit. And then my dad took over his business struggles.

Like the entire time of my childhood, both my parents really like my mom who did more of the corporate route, got laid off at one point, like all the things, and my dad really drilled into me that I have to go into math and science. And I'm [00:10:00] also through school, I'm really good at math and science.

It's just something that's naturally comes to me. And as a woman, he was like, especially as a woman, go into math and science. It is where it'll stand you apart. It's where you'll get all your financial aid. And you can fast track your entire career. So I did that, and I made a promise to him.

And it was a huge ego boost too, cause I'm one of the, there might be one other woman in physics classes in college. And so there's something like, I'm cool. I'm like, you'd have a degree in physics and everyone's Oh, she's smart.

But halfway through college, my dad died unexpectedly. And he It really threw me for a loop and pretty, he was so healthy, did all the things you were supposed to do, physically active, ate healthy food, was 55, like everything. So it, really catapulted my spiritual awakening. And also so much trauma, around like not believing in the powers that be and the system.

And and, Which are valid, but at the time it was like very like trauma induced. Yes yeah. And, but I made a, I promised him that I would get this degree, so I finished the degree and got a, I was in an environmental fellowship and a minor in environmental science, where like halfway through, like right before he died, I like, my environmental awakening happened, but I couldn't, and we didn't have it.

So that's how that, that came to be. And I'll stop there. No, I think, oh, I'm relating hard to so much of this because my thing, not a degree in physics, my degrees in I've got a masters in forensic biology and that was a similar sort of Oh, that gives me, but what I really actually wanted to do and what I've always been lit up about is [00:12:00] naturopathy and health and wellbeing from an integrative Perspective, right?

Kylie Patchett: But then I go and do a science degree and I find myself working in hospitals and then in a lab environment run by a government. And I'm like, what the actual fuck have I done? I fell, out of love with science in that not that scenario, but I worked for two years in a biochemistry lab. And I was like, this is just, so granular, like the, main the head guy, in the lab he was published in nature.

Sam Garcia: So he had the, but it's like on this one protein of this one DNA sequence. And it was just this one, this is so singular that it wasn't actually engaging to me. And also just being, cause this was a lab at a research university. Yes. And every single lab is fighting for funding. And so you can't talk to anyone else.

And it's, just so these silos. Yep. Yep. And that's not how we're gonna save the world. Nope. And, also like that, again, the parallels are same sort of thing in hospital based medicine. Like I worked in sleep and respiratory medicine, so thoracic physicians and sleep specialists, but we would have patients and they would go down the hall and talk to the heart doctor separately.

Kylie Patchett: And again, no, no whole being no, this is a heart, mind, soul, and someone who's living in an environment that has, you know, impacts on them. So completely different to what, actually works. Then I found traditional Chinese medicine. I was like, Oh, now here's a system I can buy into because I get how everything interrelates and everything.

So did you ever use the physics? So you worked in biochem. So what happened? Cause you, you you jump into having this. Let's talk [00:14:00] about the bathtub issue, like the bathtub, like breaking down of holy fuck. Like you talk about trauma to do with, the systems that don't work, which I agree, completely valid, but also not great when it's trauma and trauma induced.

But then you have this moment where you're like, we fucked, the world's fucked, everything's fucked. We might as well just, can you talk about that? Was that at the same time? Is there? Yeah. The biochemistry lab was, I was. I paid for my college. So I was working 25 hours a week in this biochemistry lab while being a full time student.

Sam Garcia: So there was no like, there was no physics career for me after college. It was like straight into freelance marketing, which is it's a weird little side turn. But the so the bathtub that we're talking about is during this environmental fellowship that I was in Michigan, one of the. The required classes was in, I don't know, just, I don't even remember what it was, what the name of the class was, but the professor brought on this, carbon bathtub is what it's called.

And you can find, you can Google it and you can find pictures of it. Yeah. And it's essentially a bathtub with, there's a drain at the bottom of the bathtub, like a normal bathtub. There's a faucet going into the bathtub, like a normal bathtub. Yep. And it's. It's all about the atmosphere can naturally at the current temperatures and with the current environments and climates that we have and ecosystems that we have that we're able to survive in as humans.

There's a threshold where if there's more and you can imagine there's carbon molecules coming out of the faucet and there's natural systems that process the carbon, which is the drain that comes out, like our oceans and trees and other, like composting and other things will actually process carbon and capture carbon in, onto earth.

And if there's more coming out of the [00:16:00] faucet than there is coming out of the drain, then the bathtub starts It's overflowing, it starts filling up, it goes past that threshold, and you pretty much said we're already past the threshold, and nothing has changed, by the way, this was ten years ago.

Kylie Patchett: Yeah, I know, it's only gotten worse. It's only gotten worse, we haven't slowed down, and that was like, we were already past the threshold if everyone stopped using all fossil fuels today. Yeah, which is, yeah. Which was like not a pleasant message to get as someone who's hasn't even started their career and you're like there's my future like yeah exactly far out and yeah but and then just to turn this is what eventually I eventually found permaculture which is regenerative agriculture and like indigenous how indigenous peoples all over the world interact with and manage land around them.

Sam Garcia: There are solutions that exist like that is true on some capacity, but there are already things that we can do to actually mitigate climate change and mitigate. But we have to. destroy the fossil fuel industry and a lot of things. 

Kylie Patchett: Yes. I've actually, one of my roles was teaching health and wellbeing programs inside the mining industry.

So being in that industry in coal mining, I know again I think that was the other thing that was really clear to me as I'm reading. I actually tried to, I went back on my phone, looking at all of the bits that I'd highlighted in your book. Cause I was trying to find like one key thing that I, and there's too much highlighted.

So pretty much most of it's highlighted, but I think for me, one of the things that kept coming up when you were talking about the difference between an industrial way of running a business and regenerative way, is that. When you believe that the industrial way of doing things is the way, and that's the ocean that you're swimming [00:18:00] in, you do things like working for a mining industry, which is completely against your value proposition because you believe that is the, or I'm not going to say you, I believed like at that time, I needed a job.

This was the job that I could find that was in still doing the education that I wanted to. And so I put my blinkers on. And I'm like, and, yeah, so that mismatch or lack of alignment is what makes us like it contributes to you feeling literally sick to your soul about where you are and what you're supporting by not actually fighting against it.

Sam Garcia: Yeah, but they're just to throw this in what you just said, there definitely needs to be people who are working within the system to dismantle the system. It's not that's where. Like coming to Hawaii for the first time. I, I work exchange on a farm at the Big Island in like 2010. That was like my first introduction to Hawaii before moving here.

And a lot of people on the Big Island that move over there it's, this prepper mentality, which I'm a prepper, but This proper mentality of the world is fucked. So I'm gonna go find my little slice of paradise and screw you guys. Yes, which is on some level, a natural response to what is happening, especially like this week in the US.

It's like there's 

Kylie Patchett: Oh, dying even 

Sam Garcia: we're recording the first week of July, if anyone wants to like, think back. And so it's I get it. But also, it's, that's not going to help The future, like we need people who are working within the system, who are actively pushing against it, because like just going in and bubbling yourself off, it's not contributing to anything.

Kylie Patchett: No, absolutely not. And it's not going to change any paradigm. It's just saying, I'm going to put my, fingers in my ear and blinkers on my eyes and forget that there's a paradigm and pretend that I can just opt [00:20:00] out. It's no, you can't. When you went to Maui, so you're exposed to permaculture for the first time.

I'm really interested in, I'm married to a rural firefighter. So he, they have like we have historically treated our indigenous people horrifically as most countries that have been colonized have been. What I'm loving in terms of their like back burning practices now is that they are using more and more indigenous ways of doing things like cold burning, for instance, because in Australia, obviously we're getting hotter, we're getting drier.

I live in country Queensland, so it's grasslands and we get to I know centigrade, I'm not really sure, but say a hundred centigrade regularly across our summertime and really windy. Like it just it's wildfire conditions. And I know Maui's just had, cause you guys had a big fire, didn't you?

Like, how long ago was that now? 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. About to hit our one year out mark. Yeah. 

Kylie Patchett: I was going to say, yeah, it was 

Sam Garcia: 11 months ago. And do you want to go down this? 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah, go. Yes. Yes. Yes. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. Because of Lahaina, which is where the fire was and it's one of the, It used to be the capital of Hawaii, and that's where the king lived, and it used to be this lush place.

They called it the breadbasket because of ulu, which is breadfruit. And there were all of these streams and waterways managed by the Hawaiians into these Like acres and acres of fish ponds that were growing food and so lush and wet. And now for anyone, if you've ever been to Maui and been to Lahaina, like it is a desert.

What happened was, one, they privatized 

Kylie Patchett: humans. That's what happened. 

Sam Garcia: Humans, [00:22:00] not humans. Hawaiians were doing fine. Yeah, 

Kylie Patchett: true. 

Sam Garcia: The colonization and, corporate, evil corporate people. Yes. But what happened was the water got privatized and taken away from the people. It still is. It's still a huge political issue here.

And they put in a sugarcane industry and then a pineapple industry. And completely deforested it. Forest is one of the best ways to actually not save our planet, but keep our planet hospitable for humans. Yes. Because it locks water into the ground, it locks carbon into the ground, it produces shade, so it actually, bring down the, temperature of wherever you are.

Sam Garcia: Yes. 

Sam Garcia: And so deforesting to, to grow sugarcane and the way that you harvest sugarcane is by burning the field. Yes. And so now it's, a complete desert. They, stopped all the farming over here because Tourists. And now it's just, I don't know. It, it looks like a natural landscape, but it's not what it was at all.

It used to be forested areas. And so now, there was a fire last year that a lot of copi, like if you're, there's so many like new age conspiracy theories that are like lasers from China. And really, like I say that because we get dms like active, oh my, gosh. In a part of the was on the ground immediately after the fires, and so it's it's as people who are literally there it's so disrespectful, please keep your laser talk over there.

Yeah, please. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. 

Sam Garcia: But it was, there were tornado level winds. That day in the electrical line, what most likely happened, what the current speculation is, and there are lawsuits happening right now, or, what most likely happened is a power line dropped in a spark. hit a [00:24:00] shingle, a shake shingle roof and it just took it off.

And then, so yeah, it was, on the positive side of regenerative business, I was able to take four to six weeks off from my business and it continued forward. I literally got to, cause we were behind the barricades. We had military barricades keeping people out. And we were within them. We were off grid.

So we were literally the only people with Wi Fi and cell reception because we have Starlink and off grid solar. So we were literally the communication hub. And yeah, it was 

Kylie Patchett: goosebumps because this is where 

Sam Garcia: it was a demonstration of why we do this. And it's fucking hard. Like it's been uncomfortable.

We've, lived in tents for periods of time because of X, Y, and Z happening. So Being on the front end of of wanting to be a part of this, the future of what humans need to do, it can be uncomfortable at times. Absolutely. For extended periods of time. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. 

Sam Garcia: But it, was just such a reinforcer to me of this is what humans, the humans who are inspired to do homesteading, inspired to be off grid, inspired to Exactly.

To be sovereign, like we were literally able to be the communication hub and help people in a national disaster because we had to be done the work. 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah. And do you know the other thing that, I've been binging on Sam podcasts all over the place. Your podcast. Actually. No. That's fine.

Cause there's a catalog, but I'm because I'm financial year in Australia is the end of 30th of June. So we do business like July to June. And so I'm listening to your new year's episodes at the moment. Yeah. And one of the ones that I was listening to last night, when I was walking my dogs at like sub zero freaking temperature you were talking about the fact that when you, cause you were talking about goal setting and one of the things that [00:26:00] really stuck to me is being able to utilize business as a tool.

This ability to express your soul in the world, but it also gives you financial power. It gives you the ability to take time off to do exactly what you're doing, but it also gives you the ability to have the energy to resist, right? Because the industrial revolution, basically, I really believe that part of the quid pro quo of that is keep people as busy and tired as they possibly can.

So they can't see what's actually going on. Do you want to talk to that? Because I feel like. So we've gotten to the permaculture stage and you're married to a regenerative farmer, which I freaking love because yeah that's why we moved to the country. It's can we just find our little piece of land and do our own thing?

Cause I don't like anything that anybody else is doing. How did you have it talked to me about the process of realizing that the same principles of regenerative farming could be applied to business. Was that like a bolt out of the blue or were you doing it? it like anyway naturally but you didn't tie it together like i'm really interested yeah i mean 

Sam Garcia: i was already doing it in terms of but not consciously it was just like how i structure things naturally and then when i started writing the book I'm someone I, find I'm meeting more and more people who are like this, where they don't know what they're gonna write until they write it. Yeah. Or that's me. You, start writing a book and you're like, oh. You literally develop concepts as you write, like that. Was that book ? So good.

So like the whole, the name around it, the whole, the framework. It was stuff. I was already doing it. But to actually organize it in a fashion that was usable to other people. Yes. Through the process of writing. So I recommend everyone write a book. Yeah. Yeah. So do yes, 

Kylie Patchett: I want to talk about that because the whole kind of concept of no one is naturally [00:28:00] designed to be flourishing when they're stuck at a desk doing a job that they don't love for 40 something hours a week.

But it's even more uncomfortable for people like us that are either neurodivergent or they're outside the books thinkers. So that there's already this I don't know, a dissonance anyway, between the environment. So when you, why do you, feel like, cause I've got this theory about neuro sparkly people I call us, cause we travel in flocks for starters.

We get each other totally. But also I believe that there is something about neuro sparkly people that, I like to think of us as the future humans. They're the people that are actually Picking up on the patterns and the energy of things that are really broken. And we can't pretend we're okay with it.

Whereas maybe some other people can, I don't know. I've never been another person. I probably have, but not in this lifetime. What do you reckon, excuse me? Like from your perspective of being an ADHD person running a business, I know you've got lots of Virgo though, in your chart. So you're very organized as well.

So what do you reckon if you, if someone's listening and they're neurodivergent or nonconformist in any way, can you talk about the basic principles of regenerative business as opposed to the cog in the industrial machine? Because I just don't, I don't feel like people know that this is even an option.

Sam Garcia: Yeah, so I feel like it always comes down to with business. You literally get to do what as a business owner, you literally get to do whatever you want. So why do all of us force ourselves to do things that we don't want yeah, in business, there are things that you have to do that you don't want to do, but like for the most part, most of it is optional.

Sam Garcia: Yeah. 

Sam Garcia: And so with the industrial mindset and with the multiple industrial revolutions that have [00:30:00] happened over the decades, it has been, it was originally around making things more profitable and efficient, 

Sam Garcia: but 

Sam Garcia: that was profitable and efficient for. The 1%, the patriarchy, the man on top, the father like it wasn't, a better system for the workers.

It wasn't a better system to and, I'm sure there was a period where taking buying something from a craftsman versus the beginning of factories. Like I'm sure there was a period where it was totally great, but then it it was like more to the point where it lost its, the whole purpose of it.

And so with having a business like a factory, and that's what every business coach, every business course, MBA programs, they've been We've we're swimming in, so we don't even know to question it. And it's all about how do we make our time more efficient? How do we make our, pay the last for get, have the most profit, pay the least amount we possibly can to our workers and get the most out of them.

So it's, very much about objectification. Which is about making someone and something into an object versus multidimensional things. It's about standardization. There's one way to do it. There's one skin color. There's one way to talk. There's one system. There's one process. There's one formula. And it's about it's about money over everything.

And it's not money for everyone over everything. It's money for the person on top over everything. 

Sam Garcia: Versus 

Sam Garcia: like with regenerative business and with how nature, what I believe, how nature would design a business and the metaphor that I keep going back to getting my dog into my lap. Go doggie! Hello! The metaphor I always go into it like if you've read regenerative business [00:32:00] or if you will be reading regenerative business, you'll come to this where with the awakening I had with permaculture and regenerative agriculture was around how humans have designed food growing systems versus how nature would design food growing systems, where when we are like, if you're listening to this podcast, you already know that the conventional farming systems are fucked and like more pests, stronger pests, like more chemicals, essentially slave labor, in some cases, actual slave labor, and not good for your health, less nutritious food, Because it makes more money.

Yeah. And versus how nature designs a system, which is a forest. That's how they grow. That's food growing systems in nature are forests, rainforests, forest gardens with like indigenous people, like you see this human past. It's not about actually like making humans evil and saying humans need to stay separate from nature.

It's actually no, we get to, we are a part of nature and we actually get to. more we can actually improve and make nature more fertile by interacting with it. And I can share stories about that with my husband's work, but So with then with nature, how does nature design a business? Nature actually it's not standardizing time where we need to fit everything into a 40 hour work week, which most of or more like some people are programmed to do an 80 hour work week.

Sam Garcia: grew up and like we have to all have to be here at the same time so that the overseer can make sure you're working and make sure you're being efficient and it's the same year round versus nature there are seasons there are cycles on a daily monthly seasonal annual basis that change. So time is actually seasonal and cyclical.

Sam Garcia: Then with abundance, it's not just money. Like sometimes as a [00:34:00] regenerative business owner, you choose to do things that make you less financial capital, but it ups your spiritual capital or your relational capital or your social wealth. There's so many, there's, 10 different kinds of capital that we go through in the book, but there are so many different ways of going through it.

And changing your business. Okay. Let's think of more. I'm like, I get excited. I love what you were talking about with the biodiversity as well, because the way that humans have screwed with cropping is that the same piece of land is used for just one crop and it must yield as much as possible.

Kylie Patchett: And we will spray it with chemicals to, and genetically engineer the bloody seed in the first place. So that you get more of the same thing, whereas what you're talking about in the book is like that biodiversity piece of it's not like nature doesn't work like that. There's not an, and nature has this beautiful way of balancing itself with if something goes up, then something else goes down and all of those things that just naturally happen.

I really loved that concept. Yeah, and I mean you can see that with the people who are involved in your business and also in the offerings that you have within your business because if Essentially what a, acreage of salad and lettuce that you're growing is. It's a salad bar for bugs, and therefore how they make it is by spraying it with a bunch more chemicals.

Sam Garcia: Yeah. The natural system which has, housing, houses the predator animals and predator bugs would eat the other bugs and so there's And control them, naturally. Naturally. Exactly. So there is a reality as a part of a collective, as a part of this larger ecosystem that we're in, our, in your industry, in your country, or if you have a larger one that like, sometimes because of X, Y, Z reason, a certain product you have isn't selling [00:36:00] as well, or it's like no longer like something happened in the collective that would have a bunch of bugs eating it, or like whatever.

I love you actually having a diversity of offerings, a diversity of people in your business. So that no matter what happens, there's an actual resilient system set up that can balance it out. I love that. Do you know what else really struck me when you were talking about these concepts is like one, if I could take one single most like foreign smacking point was Your business is not just you, because I think for people like me, who have been conditioned that like their worth is connected to how many hours that they work.

Kylie Patchett: And when I think about, or when I feel into semantically growing my business really up until the last few weeks when I, know I keep on coming back to reading this book under the covers, but it literally did. I feel like it took. It took my brain out and watch some things out and then put it back together.

Because I was like, cause what I used to feel like is if I want to grow my business and I have a small team, but if I want to grow my business, then that feels heavy and more responsibility. And so I was very clear that I was the rate limiting factor, like that belief system. And that way of doing things.

And when I read your business, it's not just you. I was like, hang on a minute. I just had a chiropractic adjustment of my soul because that's completely different. And what you were saying before, like the way that you've designed your business so that it can continue without you is that you've got this ability to yet turn up for your physical in real life community and, offer assistance, all sorts of practical help, but also.

What I love hearing about is now that your business is creating this one form of wealth being financial wealth, I've actually got a seat at the table [00:38:00] when things are being talked about in my local community. And you own land that you are impacting together with your husband. Like all of those things, I feel if you're listening and you're like, Oh, this is, this sounds so much better.

Like just What do you all read Sam's book, because I feel like it's just challenged a lot of things that I've been thinking. I'm interested for you going from, so you started off freelancing in originally, and then you worked in other people's businesses. What has it been like for you since the books come out and you.

I'm not so much since the books come out, but moving from being behind the scenes, maybe I don't know how much were you behind the scenes? Were you known to be? Yes. So what's it been like with that transition? I'm interested. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. I started off with freelancing cause right out of college, because my parents had both had essentially freelanced.

Careers at some point. And it was a familiar thing and it didn't seem weird. And I just pitched a business to being paid so little per hour, it's nuts. But it was great. Like the capital I got was experiential capital. It's still worth it. 

Kylie Patchett: And also not working in a job you hate. Being sovereign in the fact that at least you were.

Working from home, like all those 

Sam Garcia: things. So I just started as a marketing admin for a business that I thought was really cool. And then just kept doing that, kept pitching businesses that I thought were cool to like, do stuff behind the scenes for them. And yeah, 

Sam Garcia:

Sam Garcia: remember, I think it was, I think it was 26, 2015.

I was at this, by then I was, very proficient in online course launches. And that was like a cause I was working for an online astrology business that did tons and tons of watches and like low end products. So it was like very volume oriented versus the one big sale, which a lot of like coaches do now, but versus [00:40:00] selling thousands of 27 products.

And I, just, I remember it was so real for me that I loved being behind the scenes. I just remember it so strongly and it was everything I wanted and eventually when I realized, oh I will never get past my income ceiling unless I, it'll never be fully in charge of my finances unless I consider myself a business owner.

And start building my own network, start building my own audience, start building my own assets that people and be known on some level. And you don't have to have a big audience to have a success, be a successful business owner. But that was a part of my path. And that transition was uncomfortable and hard.

And I did hypnotherapy sessions around business. So I did stuff to, get over that barrier, but it's, interesting, the person that I am now, who is incredibly comfortable in public, incredibly comfortable being on front of a stage or talking to a group of people or consult, it's, the same person and also it's different.

Different. Yeah. That's why I'm asking is I am really interested in that because one of the things that you have included in the book resources is like links to like talking to the soul of your business. And I started, I've started using the grace hypnotherapy app because I had never done any sort of hypnotherapy before.

Kylie Patchett: I'm like I was more like tapping or like somatic processing sort of stuff. I'm. I'm addicted. 

Sam Garcia: I love it so much. I use one of their therapists to doing when I was doing the sitting over and video stuff. 

Kylie Patchett: So good. Oh my God. I'm addicted. And I actually, I'm glad that you mentioned this because one of the [00:42:00] things that I was really curious about is you talk a lot about there's a soul of your business.

There's the team in your business. You're part of the business, but the soul Something else that I really loved hearing, I think it was in one of your podcasts with, Is it Julia energy worker, Julia. Yes. I can't remember the last 

Sam Garcia: name. 

Kylie Patchett: Excellent. And you both were talking about how you do this like meditation process.

And like she was talking about, Oh, and then when I go and connect with my business, there's like a new tech pool and a this and a that, I don't know, whatever, and. I had this really cool experience where I'd done your meditation, talking to the soul of my business. I'd done a grace hypnotherapy one where you go to your safe place, they had joined up.

And so now there's this entire magical place that I go to every evening. Very cool. But yeah, when you were talking about it, I was like, I'm really interested to hear, because you talk about practicing magic. So what are your mindset, energy, Magical like practices or rituals that help you to stay connected to the ecosystem of your business.

Sam Garcia: Yeah. Okay. 

Kylie Patchett: I'm asking such long questions. I'm sorry. I'm 

Sam Garcia: someone who loves, I got into spirituality before I got into business, so it's like something that I could almost consider a hobby. Can it be a hobby? I don't know. I've tried so many things over the year. I love switching it up. I'm not, I think there's definitely the, I'm a Gemini rising, so no surprise.

Yeah. And there are people who do one thing and they commit to it, and that's, they transform their life being devoted to one thing. And I think that's beautiful. That has not been my favorite. Neuro sparkly people don't tend to do that. It's interesting, so right now, I usually don't experience a new month like a new month.

[00:44:00] But this month, like July 1st hit, and I was just like, new month, energy, I'm gonna do a bunch of new habits, which It started on a 

Kylie Patchett: Monday though, that's why. It's Monday, first 

Sam Garcia: of the month. But I was like, I know all the things that make me feel incredible, like on a physical level. I feel like I'm like in charge of my abundance.

And so I was like, I'm going to try at least like hearing you like, I have this crazy list of a bunch of things that I'm committing to for 31 days. You, okay, yours looks way better than mine. 

Kylie Patchett: No. Some of these are such simple things like drink three and a half liters of water. Like you would think that you don't need to be reminded about that, but I do.

So that's all right. That's what works. 

Sam Garcia: I'll mention some of the ones that I'm currently working on. These are more physical energy, Focus because Yes. I feel like I've, I'm good on the, Yeah. You're tweaking the business side. Like I'm, at the point where I'm like, I don't need to like invest, a bunch of energy into that.

Sam Garcia: Yeah, 

Sam Garcia: But I for me it's transcendental meditation, which is something, it was my first form of meditation when I was 19. And so I'm like, I haven't done it in years, so I'm like, I'm just gonna do the two, twice a day, 20 minutes, and yeah. Feel that in again. 

Sam Garcia: Cool. 

Sam Garcia: Not drinking.

I'm comfortable drinking, but I always feel like I feel just insane levels of energy when I don't drink. So I'm like, we're gonna do that for July. Yeah Eating my five to six servings of veggies. I 

Kylie Patchett: love that yours have got basic stuff in it too. Yeah, like the stuff 

Sam Garcia: that you know you should be doing.

Dancing to one song a day. Oh, I love that. Like you feel on a spiritual level, but also there's been like more cool research coming out that it's actually the best way to address depression and prevent depression. 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah, Better than 

Sam Garcia: any medication and better than any other therapy or somatic stuff.

Dance is actually the number one. So [00:46:00] go dance to a song today. 

Kylie Patchett: Dance and then follow it up with a bloody walk in nature, if you're looking for bonus points. Because, yeah, as soon as I feel stuck in my head, I'm like, when was the last time that I went outside and had the sun and the breeze and the whatever's on my skin?

Sam Garcia: That's already a habit for me, because I have two little dogs. So like every morning we do, and we're we, don't live near people. So we can just walk outside for 30 minutes and like we're in nature the five Tibetans, which is, yes, I know the 

Kylie Patchett: five Tibetans. Yes. Yes, Always make me feel so good.

Yes, me too. Oh my God. I haven't done them for years. I learned them from my very first yoga teacher that also then taught me like oriental psychology and traditional Chinese medicine, shiatsu. And it was my first, it was when I was in the medical science And I was just like, this cannot be the only way of looking at this.

And then I found this guy and yeah, so I learned the five Tibetans. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. There's a book called gosh, Shakti Mantras. Oh, 

Kylie Patchett: yes. 

Sam Garcia: You know that book? 

Kylie Patchett: Yes, I do. Oh my God. Again, same master. 

Sam Garcia: This is, yeah, this is one of the things I, so I'm doing the, one of the Lakshmi meditations, which is abundance oriented.

And I definitely see results in my life around that. So those are some of the things that I'm, or, and then morning pages. Cause I hate journaling. Like I hate it so much, but it's also the thing that makes me feel amazing. Yeah. Yeah. 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah. This is I don't have it with me. I've got this amazing journal.

I was given by someone I'm working with in a spiritual mentorship, and it's got this big. Like dragon on the front and it's just called the I am and there's no words or anything in it and I'm like, okay, maybe I can try it and I'm on about I think month three of every day and I'm like, oh my God, like when I don't do it, I don't feel as well as when I do it and I'm like, this is part of being a clear eye channel.

Get the shit out of your head. [00:48:00] Or the, whatever, like it doesn't have to be shit, but yeah, that is, yeah, one of my pillars. Yeah, so 

Sam Garcia: and it's, been cool to focus more on the the me oriented stuff, because I once you get past money blocks, and money mindset, and 

Sam Garcia: the, 

Sam Garcia: like, all this, because money is a central part of business.

Yeah. Definitely, or you have expensive hobby. So there's a lot of stuff at the beginning of your business. And time oriented stuff of yes, I can't pay someone to do something I don't like doing because you feel guilty around it. Like that sort of stuff. Or I have to, I think that's where 

Kylie Patchett: I am

Sam Garcia: Like, I'm like, can I really do them? Can I really just do the people wanna do that? They want the work. Yeah. and like it's somatically, deconditioning, the 40 hour work week. That's a real thing. Oh fuck. What's interesting because. It's I, swung back and forth where I, worked a lot to the point of.

Of just because I was trained to like in my body. I was trained to work this amount. So it felt unnatural to work less. Yes, and there was a six month period where I forced myself to only work 20 hours a week. And. Which was like, my business was set up to be able to do that. And everything was great.

And I hated it. 

Kylie Patchett: Can you talk more about this? Because one of the things that you mentioned, and like I said, I've been binging on all sorts of podcasts that you've been on, so I have no idea when you actually said this, but You actually did mention that Eddie, your husband is by nature, like high energy and likes to get out and amongst it.

And so for you, when you were adjusting this, like recalibrating to not working as much, it was, that was a bit like, this is a bit tricky when I'm right in 

Sam Garcia: front. It's if I was living alone, it was like no big deal. Cause but then there's like someone who's working like 12 hours a day and you're just like, Hi.


Kylie Patchett: So can you talk more about that? Because I feel like. Yeah, I feel like that's where I'm, it's can I 

Sam Garcia: [00:50:00] really just 

Kylie Patchett: be 

Sam Garcia: taken like a ear? Is it with is it specifically next to your husband? 

Kylie Patchett: No, I think it's compared to the way that like it's just my conditioning, like I'm used to I, yeah.

I've always ended up, especially in corporate jobs where I'm at the top of the tree and the way that I'm at the top of the tree is working really fucking hard, and I'm just like, yeah. So there's a level of and I think the grace hypnotherapy is really cracking this. Cause I'm really noticing like yesterday I like sat down to do something and I'm usually very structured and I like that masculine like structure.

And then I flow in and I sat down and I looked at my to do list yesterday. I was like, I fucking no. And usually my conditioning and the way that I've always been in the world would be like, sit your ass down, get it done. That's what you said you were going to do. You can't not do it. And I'm like, this is my business.

You can do whatever I want. But it's discombobulating for me at the moment to reset that. So I'm very interested in how you deconditioned. 

Sam Garcia: There's okay. A few different layers with this. One of them is realizing that there's probably like the 80, 20 principle that you've heard every Everywhere.

Like It's true. There's probably one hour of every day of actions that you take that actually matter in your business. 

Kylie Patchett: Exactly. And move the needle in the direction you want to. What if 

Sam Garcia: you just didn't do at least half of the other stuff?

Because we're just literally filling time because we feel like we need to. So that's like on the mental level. Understand that there's probably like 15 minutes between 15 and two hours. Yep. That a day that like the stuff that you're doing actually, 

Kylie Patchett: you're speaking to me, you're speaking to me, Sam, my body is going, another, 

Sam Garcia: like a hack that I really like that doesn't get to the root of it for sure.

Like doing the somatic work and the hypnotherapy work to feel comfortable and safe by being in a slower, like down [00:52:00] regulated state. Yes. And not being driven by cortisol. Like that, do that too. But a hack that I like is, fill your time with other things. Yeah. Actually go out for, do your 10, 000 steps a day, go schedule lunch with a friend, sign up for in a ceramics class start writing your book, and fill the time with other things, because then it will actually calm down that type A part of you.

Yes. that Oh, the time is filled with things. 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah, 

Sam Garcia: exactly. 

Sam Garcia: It's just that see, 

Kylie Patchett: yeah, when I was reading regenerative business, one of the things you were saying was go and book in for 10 things that you're interested in that you've never given yourself permission to do. And I'm an artist in my spare time.

And, but I don't, I still am not taking the time and making the time to go back to my art class where. Like I live in a little country town, but there's this really cool art class on Wednesdays where everyone comes and just works on their project. And there's like kind of a mentor y person, but it's just so cool, right?

Sam Garcia: I agree with that. That sounds amazing. 

Kylie Patchett: Do I make the time to do it? No, because my little brain keeps saying no, it's wasting business time. And I'm like, oh, when I do it, I'm so much more inspired and creatively lit up. To then come back and do that 20 percent of tasks that you're talking about. So yeah, anyway, continue.

It's like a 

Sam Garcia: little like mindset thing that I really like for stuff like this. And I put in the book credit to Julia Wells. She was the first time I heard this, that self care is a profit generating activity. Oh yeah. That was one of the 

Kylie Patchett: big highlighted ones. 

Sam Garcia: If you can, just, and again, like the, it's not, I don't think it's we, ultimately want to not have profit be the, thing that we're putting over everything.

But in the interim, that is a really helpful one. So if you start being like art classes, a profit generating activity [00:54:00] yeah, 

Kylie Patchett: yeah. and stop ignoring it in my calendar. 

Sam Garcia: It's art class is good for business. Yeah, our 

Kylie Patchett: class is good fit. It's just good for Kylie and good Kylie is good for business, right?

That's really what we're coming down to. Sorry, I interrupted you when you were talking about your energy and magical. I want to, what's it, what's some of your magical practices? I want to 

Sam Garcia: go back to, cause I feel like, What people ultimately want around magical stuff is usually results oriented, which I'm totally into.

But things that I like on the magical realm that for business is, I think you one thing to go back to the ecosystem stuff, if yes, one little practice a day, you can connect in with the soul of your business. You can grab the free meditation. I'm sure you'll put it somewhere in the show.

Yes, Yeah. A guided meditation to meet the soul of your business. And people love that meditation. I 

Kylie Patchett: am in love with 

Sam Garcia: it. You can do it every week. You can do it once a month. You can do it just one time and literally just meet the soul of your business. But then have a practice, even if it's just like having your favorite tarot deck and pulling a card, ask, it'd be like, my intention for this poll is to get a message from the spirit of my business.

Yes. The soul of my business. That takes 10 seconds or if you have a meditation practice, like if you can take 10 seconds in that meditation to be like, okay does the spirit of my business as a soul of my business have anything to tell me today? Just, it can be as simple as that. So onto magical practices, things that I really love.

There's a, And when we're talking magic, I like, I really am into occult magic. I know you mean literally. I'm like totally into it. There's this author, called Damon Brand and it's like a pen name. I ordered one 

Kylie Patchett: of his books after you [00:56:00] mentioned that. A couple of weeks ago. 

Sam Garcia: He's, him and he's a part of the Gallery of Magic.

It's that's a group of unknown. They literally, you literally cannot figure out who these people actually are, which I kind of love. Me too. I love the behind the curtains vibe of that. It's ooh. But they have a ton of books. I, use them on a regular basis. You can buy them for, I don't know, between three and 20.

I think even to 

Kylie Patchett: get one to Australia was only like 19, which is like so cheap for shipping from Amazon to Australia. Yeah, like 

Sam Garcia: I magical riches is a great book. Words of Power, great book. It's all by the Stamen brand and you can see all of them and it's, there's things that literally take less than two minutes to do and they do a bunch of, they do the hard work for you and it makes you feel, it makes you feel very powerful.

Kylie Patchett: Yeah. Do you know, I love this so much because it talks to the fact that there's so many unseen, supportive, benevolent, 

Sam Garcia: Yeah. 

Kylie Patchett: I don't whatever, language you want to put to it, whether it's spirits or guides or God or the universe or whatever, like how, whatever language you use to categorize, not categorize, but capture that.

It comes back to, in my mind and how I feel about it of the same sort of thing as it's not just up to you, like the there's a support team, right? So you can ignore them. That is definitely an option, but if you are open to magic, why not? Why not? Ask for support or ask for guidance or whatever.

I have, since I started doing that meditation, I've got two different things that I journal on in the mornings. One is a Liz Gilbert question, which is, Hello, love, what would you have me know today? And then the second question, so if I either do both or the other one is, Hey, soul of my business. What have you got for me?

And sometimes it's not much at all. Other times, like this morning, it was very [00:58:00] very clear on this is, something we want you to do. And I'm like okay, here I am. But just the concept of being able to, yeah, connect and ask, and then also do that meditation. And yeah, like I said My, my, business, like I've just got this, beautiful like forest scape and there's this gorgeous stream going through and all all these magical things.

And I'm like, that is, as can be as real for your mind to connect to as. conditioned negative association mindset stuff. So why not use it positive? 

Sam Garcia: Another really fun one that was such a foundational part of, for me was doing working with the planetary deities, which is they're just, it's a very common form of magic where it's the, one of the oldest form of magic for humans, because There was always this relationship.

If you go to any culture, there's some sort of relationship with the planet planets, like the actual planets with your eyes. 

Sam Garcia: Yes. 

Sam Garcia: And so there's great schools of thought around it. What I find really great for neurodivergent people, I find that neurodivergent people usually have, there, there's this connection between metaphor and seeing patterns and connections with things that I think is beyond a neurotypical brain 

Sam Garcia: that 

Sam Garcia: is inherent in magic.

So if you're doing, and you can find out if you go to my My website and look on the blog. We have a full series on planetary magic. Oh, cool. Just like Google Jupiter dirty alchemy, which is the name of my business. And you'll find like the Jupiter blog or Venus dirty alchemy. And you'll find the, Venus blog.

And it takes the basics is like every day of the week is literally named. Based on a planet. Yes. Monday, moon day. [01:00:00] Tuesday is tears day, which is Aries. Or is is Mars. What's Thursday? Thursday is Thor's day, which is Jupiter. Oh! And Jupiter is the planet, like Jupiter is a great planet to work with around money and expansion and 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah, 

Sam Garcia: it's like the common business one to work on.

I still have a Thursday. So every Thursday you can basic steps is like create a little altar space in your home. 

Sam Garcia: Yes, 

Sam Garcia: This can be just a little shelf. It can be a corner of a table. It can be a drawer. And decide on a planet that you want to work with. Choose one. 

Kylie Patchett: Ooh. Okay. Yes. 

Sam Garcia: And then on their day of the week, which is very easy to find, you can just say Jupiter day of the week.

Yeah. Day of the week. 

Kylie Patchett: Yeah. Yeah. 

Sam Garcia: Google will tell you Thursday. Yeah. Awesome. And or, look at my blog series on this, and then you can create your little altar with things that Jupiter likes. And the fancy term around this is Jupiter Correspondences. And you will find just this massive list of herbs, and plants, and colors, and gemstones and themes, and you get to make a cute little altar with, it can be as simple as, okay, Jupiter loves blue, so maybe you put a little blue piece of fabric down, and, He likes whiskey.

So on Thursday, you give him a little shot of whiskey. You don't have to drink it. So you're making an offering to him. 

Sam Garcia: Yeah, 

Sam Garcia: And what I find great about this is with these planetary deities. You get to be the human form of what they want. 

Sam Garcia: Yes. It's 

Sam Garcia: not like you're taking money from Jupiter by, by working with him.

Instead, you get to be the physical manifestation of Jupiter's desire, which is more abundant. 

Kylie Patchett: Abundance. 

Sam Garcia: Not abundance, it's actually wealth. Yeah. 

Kylie Patchett: End of, yes. And 

Sam Garcia: it's like this expansive almost, and it can be like overindulgent [01:02:00] energy, which is like some, a fun little thing. I was 

Kylie Patchett: born on a Thursday.

Sam Garcia: That's 

Kylie Patchett: why I asked because my, my, myself and my two daughters who are 12 months apart are all Thursday. Kids and we're all eights and numerology as well. So it's like repeat, repeat. But the reason I ask is I just had my Chiron return and it's Jupiter in the 10th house, which I actually am not sure what I've, I have had a reading about it, but I have to go back to it.

Sam Garcia: But it's work and yeah, 

Kylie Patchett: work and, yeah. Global stage type of stuff. I don't know. Like I did have a reading and I had one with I can never remember what the proper name for the astrology is, but the traditional Helen, is it? How long is it? Yeah. Yeah, I had a really cool reading, but I haven't listened back yet.

Cause I just wanted it to settle. Cause that was in a clip season in April, whereas yeah, in New Zealand, traveling and found myself on the top of a cliff face, listening to this amazing meditation. It was all very, 

Sam Garcia: we're halfway through the equipment. There's we're three months out in three months before the next eclipse.

Kylie Patchett: I'm going back to it. Oh my God. You've been such a delight. Now. I did want to say your business name is the dirty alchemy. So that's where you will find Sam. On Instagram, Facebook everywhere is daddy. I've got me. Isn't it? Yeah. Cool. And it's yeah. Yeah. The Dirty Alchemy. Yes. So if you're having a hard time finding it, there's a the in front of it.

Yes, It comes up anyway because I wasn't sure about the or not. The other thing that I would say is you have got, you've given us a link that we'll put in the show notes, which is for the free chapters of Regenerative Business. I think don't screw around with a free chapter, just buy the book and then get the book bonuses because everything we've talked about today is inside of that.

But also when I was prepping for this chat, I came across, I really love the series that you've written. I think it's five parts for the regenerative business creation lab. So I might actually put that in there too, because it was like, this is [01:04:00] A synopsis of the book and why this doesn't work.

This does try this on for size. So if you're interested and you want an intro, there's also that as well, which is amazing. So thank you for coming to us. I love that our backgrounds are like complimentary colors too. It's very nice. I've been enjoying that.

Thank you so much, Sam Garcia. You've been a bloody legend. Oh, thank you so much for having me. It's been a blast. Thanks for everyone for listening. This really can. We are a part of nature and we need more people aligning with nature because it is a much stronger force and a much more powerful force to tap into than the fake structures that exist in the world right now.

Sam Garcia: And if we want to be able to make true change and make it in a way that is the least abrasive, The least abrasive experience as possible. You want to start now before you have to and you want to tap into nature because that flow is in your DNA. And so when you actually tap into it, it's not going to be the, I have to fit myself into a box.

It's no, you're slow. Exactly. Exactly. Stop extracting. Just, yes. 

Kylie Patchett: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

There you go beautiful one, another delicious, juicy, truth talking episode with a Disruptor, Rebel or Revolutionary sharing the identity shifts. And the mess and the magic of leading right on the edge of your expansion and going first as a visionary leader, as a woman, creating a business and inviting people to completely new ways of learning, living, loving, and leading.

It is not lost on me that you have invested your time and your energy in listening to the show. I am so grateful for your beautiful heart, for the work that you do in the world, and I know that if [01:06:00] you're here you are more than likely one of what I call the Mad Hatters. So the quirky, colourful, creative, out of the box, often neuro sparkly, paradigm shifters and thought leaders.

So I'm so grateful that you're here. If you loved this episode, which I'm sure you did, please do me a favour and share it with someone else who needs to understand that their quirkiness and their full unapologetic self expression is more than enough, and in fact is the secret source to growing a wildly successful, abundant, nourishing, sustainable business.

So here is to us, the Mad Hatters.

The crazy out of the box people saying no to old paradigms and inviting into the new. And if you'd love to go the extra mile, please make sure that you subscribe on the platform that you're on so you never miss an episode. And hey, it would be sweet, sweet, sweet if you would leave us a five star review.

It means the world to us and it helps us get this truth talk and this magic and this power out to even more Mad Hatters. So have a beautiful day and I will speak with you next week.