In my humble opinion, our world feels pretty screwed right now.
๐ซ Our kids are stuck in education systems that treat them like a brain-on-legs whilst damaging any one of them that doesn't fit into the "square hole norm"
๐ซ the average worker is grinding in a soul-sucking job under fluorescent lighting for way more hours than is natural or healthy
๐ซ we are so much more 'connected' on socials but so much LESS connected to each other whole-human to whole-human
๐ซ rates of mental health crises + trauma are climbing more rapidly than ever,
๐ซ and we're raping and pillaging Mumma Earth worse and more rapidly then ever before.
๐ซ Then there's diabolically reinforced and repeated systems of oppression, capitalism, patriarchy, gender, age and race discrimination …
๐ซ genocide that only raises an eyebrow but sweet F all real response from the law-makers and
๐ซ a certain orange-hued man gunning for government again (if you’ll pardon the pun)
... and the list goes on and freaking on.
But what if all of this chaos has a purpose?
What if we need to be shaken to our cores, forced into pain that is far too hard to numb or shove down or deny …
and us paradigm-shifters of the world are being called to STEP THE F*CK UP to share new - healthier, sustainable, nourishing for the collective - ways of being?
NOW is the time for
๐ฃ Challenging the status quo
๐ฃ Shifting old paradigms
๐ฃ Voicing new visions for the future
Because in the end. your message? it’s not about you.
it’s about us.
our collective.
our world.
we need you.
to deliver your message.
offer your gifts.
And together with all the helpers and the healers, the way-showers and the change agents, help open us to healing and new, more healthy, equitable & sustainable ways of being.
HEALERS + HELPERS!! Your Story Matters!
Join me for the Creation Station Book Birthing Full Day Funshop 6th September
and go from "I want to write a book someday" to "I have a full book blueprint for creating a powerful, purposeful book"
Earlybird tickets $199 AUD, ends 30th August 2024.
Full price tickets $399 AUD, doors closing 4th September 2024