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Janet McGeever, Her Unique Medicine and the Truth that Set Me Free
Design + Copy Services·Kylie Patchett·Aug 24, 2024· 5 minutes

This past weekend, I attended my dear friend Janet McGeever's retreat Womantime in Maleny in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

 Going into it, I didn’t know exactly what to expect.

 I just knew there was a deep pull in my heart to sit at the feet of someone I’ve always regarded as a wise, wise medicine woman.

 And I knew that living in a small rural community has me feeling like a neurosparkly, woo woo-loving, nature-worshipping, entrepreneurial alien.



To say the weekend was transformative would be an enormous understatement.

Sitting in circle, connecting to my woman’s body, sharing stories, and being seen and heard for my full, flawed, human self was deep, deep medicine.

The entire weekend was balm for my community-thirsty soul.

And the women I met? ❤️ D I V I N E ❤️


The most profound experience of the four days spent together for me was an art therapy process

that used a gentle creative process and an invitation to explore, heal and reweave the stories we had about a specific part of our selves.

I’ve done my fair share of healing around self-stories and conditioning.

And I'm qualified in many different modalities myself.


And still, one story I carried with me — a story I thought I had processed and healed (so so so many times!!) — shouted loud and clear, rising to the surface, asking for more love and tending.

But this time, with Janet's gentle, steadfast space-holding I unlocked something I had never seen and felt before.

Something that completely tipped my entire identity on its head.


Janet, my friend, is a psychotherapist, a well-respected author, and one of the facilitators of Diane Richardson’s work through Making Love Retreats in Australia.

Her unique medicine centres around returning to the healed feminine, tantric sex and menopause, connecting to the woman’s body, and deepening or re-weaving our self-stories and building self-trust.

Have I worked on this story with many other practitioners, using many other modalities, and with my own self-soothing tools?


And yet, none of those things opened this particular wounded part and showed me what was under the surface so clearly.


And this is where the true magic lies.

Janet’s unique medicine, the golden thread of her own lived experience, the stories she shared, her teachers, her own wisdom was the key.


Our stories have the power

to limit us, to heal us

to connect us, to isolate us

to rupture, to repair,

to keep us stuck, and indeed, to set us free.


And holy heck - after Womantime - I feel utterly Wild + (finally fcking) free.


Bowing Deep to You Janet McGeever for your gentle, grounded, wise, wise soul.

 And the teachers who came before you, the women at your back, who taught you and passed down their stories so we could benefit years in the future.




This is why I am so passionate about and dedicated to the work I do.

The healers, helpers, and coaches I work with come to understand the transformative power of sharing their stories ..


The stories behind the work they do in the world

the stories of how they were pulled towards this work

and why it’s so deeply important to them.


They understand that although there are 1000s or even 10 000s others out there using the same modalities ...

NO ONE else has their unique perspective, their unique lived experience, their unique WHY, their unique way of space-holding and guiding.


And they understand that their unique message and medicine is what truly, madly, deeply matters to the people who need them the most.

Just like Janet and her unique medicine unlocked something unexpected in me, and set me free.





Healers, Helpers, Coaches: Now is not the time to stay quiet.

Now is the time to deliver your unique message, your unique medicine, the depth of your paradigm-shifting wisdom and ripple it out to many more lives, homes and communities.

And writing a book could be the perfect channel for you to do exactly that.

Part of my unique medicine is helping healers and helpers capture and communicate their stories in a way that is magnetic to the people who need them the most

and the Creation Station funshop on Friday 6th September is the perfect starting place to bring that unique medicine of yours to the world.

There’s 6 days of Earlybird for the full-day book birthing funshop remaining.

This live event guides you through my unique creation station process, where we map out an entire book blueprint for a powerful, purposeful book that delivers your big, beautiful, freedom-inducing message.


Right now, a full-day ticket is $199 AUD (roughly $133 USD or €120)

If you feel called to deliver your unique medicine in a whole new depth, Register before your investment doubles as the clocks tick over 7pm AEST 30th August.




You can find the beautiful Janet and her work in women's wisdom here at www.janetmcgeever.com