Ever had a C R Y S T A L clear gut feelings about what needs to happen, but your brain is all a-stressy about it?
I worried about sharing this for week…
So in real life, if I met you in a coffee shop …
You’re sparky, and warm and passionate.
You’re quirky, and deeply intuitive and wee bit goofy.
Your smil…
It's been 6 whole weeks since I logged of the socials to take a sabattical as one-part
experiment // one-part need to make space coz study/work/life/fa…
When your perfect fit client goes looking for the precise problem you solve . . .
And they're faced with roughly three-hundred and eleventy billion o…
Find it Hard to Write About Your Work?
Recently I've had the pleasure of tidying up the last pieces of a large storytelling project which included scri…