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Design + Copy Services·Kylie Patchett·May 22, 2024· 5 minutes

Ever had a C R Y S T A L clear gut feelings about what needs to happen, but your brain is all a-stressy about it?

I worried about sharing this for weeks, even though my gut was clear.

Then I sent this email to my community last Friday ... and the response was ... N O T H I N G. Turns out this was not the big decision I thought it was. Hah!

Here's the email ...


One of the blessings of midlife is the invitation to really look at things through a different, much more gentle, and much less self-abandoning lens.

Right now, I find myself at a new juncture. I'm newly aware that I’m reaching a whole new level of the perimenopause journey, where my bleeds are much farther in between, and the autumnal drive to prune away the deadwood grows stronger than ever.

I can no longer tolerate anything that feels at odds with my values system and my purpose.

Right now, I feel very strongly pulled towards helping women in business who are breaking down barriers, shifting old systems of oppression, and creating new paradigms *the healers and the helpers of the world* to be seen and heard through the power and magic of storytelling.

On the other hand, I don’t love what the menopause conversation is becoming on social media.

In my mind, there are too many voices capitalising on and catastrophising the midlife transition. Trying to make a normal, natural transition just another excuse for women to be sold to with one-size-fits-all anti-aging, God-forbid-we-lose-our-youth solutions is abhorrent.

So too is the voice of shame out there in the marketplace when the “you must do this naturally” menopause contingent harshly judge those of us who choose to use hormone therapy as part of a support system for navigating this change.

This transition should not be about women against women. Nor should it be about proliferating any patriarchal, ageist system of oppression that only values skinny white young females as worthwhile.
Similar to when I blew up my coaching practice back in 2017 when the thought of being associated with an industry that was rife with FOMO-fuelled hustle town messaging, I find myself feeling pathologically allergic to contributing to the noise about menopause (even if my voice welcomes all experiences and all the many means of supporting ourselves).

I genuinely believe that perimenopause is Mother Nature’s calling to arms. I will never stop talking about my transition being the gateway of so much healing and so much purposeful growth. And I will never stop talking about the importance of appreciating and responding to our needs (at all stages of life) as women.

However, I no longer feel I can position myself as a menopause self-care coach when contributing to this noise doesn’t feel aligned with my highest values of simplicity, freedom, and grace.

I’ve also been reminded recently that my physical body, boundaries around my working habits, and the social media that I consume are all interconnected. Having spent last weekend in bed for four days in a bid to reset my physical body after a massive Ehlers Danlos pain flare, I find myself unable to pretend that my physical and emotional system can tolerate any form of being out of alignment.

Letting go of the menopause side of my business gives me the space and truth for my newly narrowed focus and even lower energy, firmly planted where I am meant to be.

I believe that sharing our stories as business owners and learning to break free from both the fears we have about being indeed seen and heard and busting the BS we’ve been sold about how we have to sell and share on social media are both foundations of creating real sustainable soul-aligned business success.

I know deep in my bones that helping other women to do exactly that is what I am meant to be doing, so as much as my brain 🧠 is trying to convince me otherwise, my soul is demanding I surrender.

The Wild + (finally fcking) Free podcast will still be all about real raw stories. Her focus will broaden to include the experiences of all genders, and will be sharing stories of metamorphosis, growth, and evolution of all different kinds., not only invited in midlife. I believe the show will be even richer, even more inspiring, and even more expansion-inviting as a result.

These webby will still share these new episodes, as well as tricks and tools for using your story and your soulful journey to attract the clients you are meant to be working with and make that massive contribution to the world you're driven to create. So what does that mean for you, my dear community?

-> Well, if you joined me long ago in the iteration of my business based on life and health coaching or if you joined me more recently in relation to menopause awareness education or coaching, you now have a choice. If you would like to unfollow, please go ahead.

I wish you well in your midlife transition journey, and everything that will be revealed beyond.

-> If you’re here in this community because you are a healer and helper, change agent or fellow paradigm-shifter, naturally I would love to have you stay.

Here’s to unapologetically following our big, beautiful hearts and surrendering our paths to the wise woman within who knows precisely what we need to make space for our evolution. ❤️