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if you're magenta ... wtf are you sharing like you're beige?
Design + Copy Services·Kylie Patchett·May 22, 2024· 3 minutes

So in real life, if I met you in a coffee shop …

You’re sparky, and warm and passionate.
You’re quirky, and deeply intuitive and wee bit goofy.
Your smile lights up the room when you talk about your work in the world.
In your natural environment, being totally yourself …

You’re M A G E N T A !


And then you sit down to write a social post.

And your head’s so full of “getting it right”, “not knowing what to say”, “this is business, now I have to play it cool - or serious - or professional” or “I have to get this right to get the sale” you can’t hear your internal voice.

Or you set out to write your web copy.
And whilst your heart craves sharing the truth, fear’s driving the bus “you can’t talk about yourself”, “don’t blow your own trumpet”, “it’s not safe to be fully seen + heard”

Or worse you’re trying to follow some marketing gurus step-by-step formula so you can “write it properly” rather than trusting your Self and your truth.


And then when all of us out here read what you’ve written, what we read (and more importantly feel) is you, but


Polished up.

More professional.

Watered down.

Trying hard to get the sale.

B E I G E.


There’s nothing wrong with beige, if that’s what you really are.


But if you really are M A G E N T A, and you’re writing like you’re B E I G E, turning down the volume on all your passionate, warm, sparky, quirky, goofy YOUness ….

Afraid to speak your truth … trying to get it right …

You are M A G N E T I S I N G people who are NOT a good fit for who you really are and what you can share with them.

And you are literally R E P E L L I N G your ideal clients. Coz let’s be honest, behind all that being beige, we can’t even see a hint of who you really are.


Please stop.

There is no right way to share.
There is no right way to invite.
There is no right way to post.
There is no right way to write.


But there is Y O U R way.
(No matter what colour you are in your natural habitat)
And that is more than good enough.

x KP