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S3 E27: Winter Storytelling Series Part 2 - YOU are the secret sauce

Hello, beautiful. This is part two of the six-part winter storytelling series. As we take a break between seasons three and four, this series is all about conversations that I often have with clients when I'm working with them on their marketing and their messaging. As far as capturing and communicating.

what they do in the world. This one is really important for me to know that you out there understand it. So often I hear people say, I have tried this copywriting framework and that type of funnel. And I've looked for this program to teach me how to speak about what I do in the world. And it's like we've kind of been conditioned to look for the magic pill.

And, and I don't mean the magic pill as in to solve all ills, but the magic marketing pill. And here's what I want to say to you. You are the secret sauce, nothing source as in S A U C E, like whether you're The most amazing, like, I don't know, smoky barbecue flavor, or you've got a little bit of spice or whatever.

No external framework that encourages you to not be in your natural element. Is a good idea in my humble opinion, because here's the thing, when you are trying to look outside of yourself for answers about how to market, what tends to happen is you're trying other people's way of being on for size. Now that can work in terms of like, I know people out there that are marketing through the lens of human design experts, or maybe they use astrology or whatever.

So. In terms of not just one size fits all advice maybe a framework outside of you could work, but overall, what I see in my clients is the more you can sink into the fact that you are the secret sauce. That there's nothing outside of you that is going to magically turn on a beacon that attracts your ideal client and creates more ripple effect, more income, more impact, connects you to people that you desire to be connected to.

None of that is going to happen quicker by doing it any other way. It's going to be the quickest, fastest, And also most easeful thing for you to remember is that you're the missing thing. So instead of looking for another outside piece of advice, try looking inside and saying, if I was just speaking to a human to human, just say you're let's just say you use, um, spinal energetics.

That's an example of an energy healing modality. And you are trying to do some social media posting and you're getting all up in your head about someone told you you have to have a hook and then you have to do this and then you've got to do a reel and then you've got to find the, you know, the highest don't even know what they're called anymore.

You know, the music that's like the most popular music at the time, all of that just covers up. Your sauciness. So instead of doing that, my invitation is to think about how if I was just talking human to human in my healing room and someone said to me, Hey, Betty, can you explain how spinal energetics works?

Or can you explain how I might feel? Or can you explain a client's story? That's a really good way of explaining something that you do. And just write how you would speak. And if you don't, if you don't see yourself as a writer, speak things, that's fine. Do reels, but stop looking for all the polish and the pizzazz and the bloody blindness.

And particularly if like, I'll give myself as an example, I am a super simple, uncomplicated, grounded person. And so when I, and I have gone through definitely putting my hand up as well, I've gone through stages in my business where I'm like, all right, the answer to reaching more people is to do reels with that popular music and bloody blah.

And you know what? I don't care. I did try it on for size and I did have a little bit of fun, but after a while, it just felt like I was putting another mask on. And guess what masking your natural self does in your marketing. It actually sends a bat signal to people that are looking for the mask and not a bat single signal.

signal to the people that are actually looking for you, how you are. So yes, there is ways of using storytelling and copywriting tools and techniques to write compelling, more compelling copy, but If it means that it's losing you and your voice, it is not worth it. And I would highly recommend that instead of thinking the answers outside of you, you start acting like and believing and writing or creating content or sales pages, whatever you're writing from the point of view that I am the secret sauce.

And a few tips of how to actually share the secret sauce is things like behind the scenes like if you're, if you're a spinal energetics person, and you do prep for your sessions by, I don't know, doing a somatic process or doing some sort of meditation. Show people a little bit of the behind-the-scenes as much as you're comfortable with, you don't have to expose every single thing.

But you might also like, there's actually someone local to me who is a spinal energetics practitioner. That's who jumped into my head. And she does time-lapse videos of her doing her sessions. And so particularly for something like energy work or something that is more difficult to capture in words.

And depending on people's kind of awareness and experiences, they may or may not be like aware of what energy work is like. If you can peel back the curtain in that type of thing and show an actual video of a session. Or show definitely sharing the stories of someone, like how they were feeling before, how they were feeling during, how they were feeling after.

I actually have got a downloadable PDF called What is it called? Cracking the copy code rave reviews on my website. You'll find it pretty easily. And that's actually how to systematize getting good client testimonials as part of just the general system in your business. So you don't have to go, Oh, yuck.

I have to think about this. asking someone for a rave review. Because one of the easiest ways to show your secret source is to actually share the words and the way that your ideal client explains working with you and your work in the world, rather than trying to come up with the language yourself, because ideal clients, if you want more of those ideal clients, guess what?

they're going to have kind of a similar lens of. More than likely seeing things. Anyway, that is part two. You are the secret sauce. Please join me for part three through to part six for our winter storytelling series.



HEALERS + HELPERS!! Your Story Matters!

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S3 E26: Winter Storytelling Series Part 1 - Your Gifts are Meant to be Delivered to the World
The MISSING MAGIC Ingredient in Your Marketing


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