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S3 E28: Winter Storytelling Series Part 3 - If You're Magenta, WTF Are You Writing Like You're Vanilla?

Welcome to part three of our winter storytelling series. This is a six-part mini snack size series. While we have a little break between seasons of the episode this, this episode is called If You're Magenta, WTF Are You Writing Like You're Vanilla? Now I did write a blog post about this a little while ago, and it's something that a lot of people responded to and sent me DMS about.

And it came from a conversation I had with a client. And I've spoken about this on the podcast before, when I'm working with someone on marketing and messaging, if am actually writing copy for them I will have a session with someone, we'll talk about what they do and what their approach is and all of these things.

I asked lots and lots of questions. Same thing I tend to do in a podcast interview, I'm pulling all the golden threads out of this person. And through this process, I get a feeling. Of their energy. Now, I understand not everybody's brain works like this. This is definitely a neurodivergent thing but I might get a color or a word or a texture or a feeling that kind of captures that person.

And that means that I can kind of slip into that energy or that color or whatever, and right from their perspective on their behalf. Now, when I am talking in these sessions, and I, this is a very, it's actually an example of one of my clients, and I won't identify who it is, obviously. But in real life, when you're talking to this person, she is warm.

She is passionate. She is energetic. She can be a bit like me in the status quo challenging, like, are you fucking kidding me? Type of, you know, she's quiet. Clear and clean and really bright energy. And in my sensing system, she's always felt like this gorgeous, deep magenta color. So like a passionate and yeah, quite strong.

And then I went onto her website because often what I will do when I start working with someone is that they will ask me to do what's called a bird's eye review of their business as part of a VIP day with me. And I will go through literally their entire website, their social media presence, and the way that they've been, whatever channels they're communicating with their clients.

So whether that's can be blogs for some people, it can be podcasts, it can be social media content, whatever they're asking me to review. And so this beautiful Warm, passionate, clean, clear energy woman, Magenta. When I go onto her website, the entire thing feels, and I want to put a caveat here. I'm not dissing vanilla or cream, but there's a problem if you in real life feel magenta.

And when I go onto your website, it's all very, what did it feel like to me? And I'm not talking out of school here. I've had this conversation and she just basically laughed and went, Oh my God, you're so, you're so right. Like that's why I hired you because it doesn't feel right. So when I get on there, it's all very polite and appropriate and quite kind of polished.

And it almost feels like The difference between how you would speak around a group of friends and how you would choose to speak in a performance interview in a corporate environment, like a very different tone, very different energy. And obviously in some environments you know, we have been taught and particularly, women have been taught to be

appropriate, nice don't rock the boat, like all of those things. Now, I know that's not everybody's personality, but my point is if you are magenta, if you in real life are passionate and sparkly and vibrant and all of those things, and then I get on my, go get on your website and everything has been Dumbed down, not dumbed down, but like all the personality has been taken out of all of these words.

And so when I go onto her website, there's a completely different vibe. Now, here's what I wanna say about this. Number one, it's not you. And so you are never going to be proud to put a website out or to speak in ways that don't feel a hundred percent in alignment, whether you know that consciously or not, there's a sense of unease, but here's what it does to the people that are looking for you.

They might. Find you online and they're looking for magenta. They get this vanilla cream beige kind of off white sort of feeling and they go, Oh no, that's not the person that I'm looking for. That person's too polished. That person's too proper. That person's, you know, whatever. And so that means that you're actually missing out on attracting the correct clients.

But also the other thing, which is like. The other side of the same coin, the people that you are attracting by definition, when they actually get to work with you in real life, there's dissonance there because what they think they're getting is this. And then they get into say a sales call with you, a discovery session or a one on one, you know, call with as a coach or something.

And they're getting something completely different. And here's what happens when that happens. When we see and sense dissonance, we start distrusting the source, which sucks because I know if you're listening to this podcast, you're one of the many, many people out there who want to make a heart driven contribution to the world.

And if you are hiding behind polished up social media, writing like you're vanilla when you're actually magenta, then people cannot sense and see the real you. And therefore, you are not. Attracting the clients that you're meant to be delivering your gifts to. So if this makes no sense to you, you're more than likely not ADHD or autistic, and that is totally fine.

Basically, the non touchy feely sensey part of this is don't keep on writing like you are performing, share what is really going on, because that is the way sharing from your heart and soul is the way that you will attract the right people. I know it's scary, I know we've been taught that we have to perform to get love and approval, but If you really want to make a contribution to the world, you've got to actually be seen for who you are.

Scary but true. All right, if you want to know how to use storytelling to do this in a way that has a little bit of structure but still allows your energy in your natural state to shine through, I have created a storytelling guide for you. You'll find that on my website at www.kpkreative.com.au/Storytelling101

That link is in the show notes if you don't, if you're not able to remember. It's quite long. And I will see you or speak to you next week for part four. Bye.



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The MISSING MAGIC Ingredient in Your Marketing
S3 E29: Winter Storytelling Series Part 4 - Be Yourself, Everybody Else is Taken!


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