Hey There spunkdelicious out-of-the-box, fellow Neuro-Sparkly Rebels, Revolutionaries, + Disruptors!
Every Single One of These Freebies, Activations + Masterclasses are Designed with You + Your Big, Bold, Beautiful, Unicorn Unique MESSAGE + MEDICINE in Mind!
... into a delectable product suite full of FCK YES offers, magnetic messaging that has your soulmate clients flocking to you who crave your support the most and deep, powerful, magnetic FULL_THROATED POTENCY
... so you can COLLAPSE TIMELINES + MAKE MANIFEST your Deepest Desires: in life, and business.
(and decondition from all the BS rules about doing biz + life "the right way" 😜) in a hybrid of .
Membership includes instant access to our whole library of past activations and mini mins, and exclusive tickets to future events
plus monthly Mad Hatter 's Tea Party Open Q + A calls, bi-monthly SOOTHE Sessions and a library of over 90 Self Care Snacks and SECRET up to 50% off discounts on higher touch offers - cancel anytime!
Did someone say BEST PLACE for witchy, woo, wild ones on the interwebs? I say FUCK YES!
The BYO Blueprint gives you my fail-proof formula to create the road map for not just any old ho hum book but a ...
POWERFUL, PURPOSEFUL BOOK whose writing alchemises you from healer, coach or creative who is confident in your craft with individuals and small groups into THOUGHT LEADER, GO-TO REVOLUTIONARY (and MAKES BANK whilst doing it)
... So that you can call in soulmate clients, magical opportunities and perfect-fit collaborators
… And stop fcking around doing the busy work and get down to changing the world.
This is an instant access self-study experience, so you can take your time to marinate in and the space + grace to integrate the over 10 hours of a chiropractic-adjustment-of-the-soul style experience
... and move from WEALTH LIMITATION to WEALTH LIBERATION in this 5-part intensive.
STARTED harnessing your real, raw truth + natural genius zone by sharing the magic + mess of the most unapologetic, YOUiest version of you + your work in the world through storytelling
.. so you can QUIT attracting non-dreamy clients and become effortlessly + irresistibly MAGNETIC to the soulmate clients + collabs you truly crave and get out there and make the difference YOU are here to make!
🌈 Lots of colour with each month mapped with a different hue to help embed + enliven your journey
✍🏽 Plenty of blank space to doodle, brainstorm or mindmap your way to your next golden biz idea!
🔮 A super simple week-per-page planner anchored with positive paradigm-shifting affirmation to help reweave your reality
Includes a BONUS 2024 Celebrating, Clearing + Composting and 2025 Anchoring and Activating section
Fall asleep or relax listening to this guided timeline collapsing hypnotherapy, and reprogram your subconscious mind to release any limitations, beliefs, thoughts or habits that create blocks to your receivership and reset to new energetic codes her abundance, wellbeing and self-worth.
The BYO Blueprint gives you my fail-proof formula to create the road map for not just any old ho hum book but a ...
POWERFUL, PURPOSEFUL BOOK whose writing alchemises you from healer, coach or creative who is confident in your craft with individuals and small groups into THOUGHT LEADER, GO-TO REVOLUTIONARY (and MAKES BANK whilst doing it)
But the problem is (for us heart-driven paradigm-shifters at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.
⬇️ Download your ONCE UPON A TIME storytelling guide to learn The difference between copywriting + storytelling, Storytelling structures and exactly how to use these structures in your business, and the 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing right now, so you can be magnetic to the people who need + want you the most
By weaving together three golden threads — your younger self, your empowered "I Am" presence, and the soul of your business — you'll experience a profound connection to your purpose, clarity in your next steps, and a renewed sense of trust in the unfolding of your work.
❤️🔥 DISTILL your movement-making message
❤️🔥 BUILD the foundations of your paradigm-shifting book, and
❤️🔥 EVOLVE from healer, helper, coach to the GO-TO THOUGHT LEADER you are here to be
You want it? It's time to come claim it!
Because good girls DO NOT write good books & they sure as sh*t DO NOT raise their voices + Lead Revolutions!