
Disruptor Activations


Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries .. so that they can step into their true Legacy + Thought Leadership #itsaboutdamntime

Join Storyteller and Voice + Visibility Catalyst Kylie Patchett and discover the “storytelling strategy + energetic magic” secret formula to expanding your capacity to be seen + heard and clarify + amplify your paradigm-shifting message from your full POTENCY...

... So that you can call in soulmate clients, magical opportunities and perfect-fit collaborators… And stop fcking around doing the busy work and get down to changing the world.

❤️‍🔥 The SEEN experience was originally held live November 15-25 2024, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so we've decided to throw open the doors and allow people inside for a self-study experience of the WILD + POWERFUL journey...

one that you can take your time to marinate in and the space + grace to integrate the 2 pre-recorded calls and 11 days worth of voice + visibility activations, with over 11 hours of video content (also available as audio or transcript).



Ready to exponentially increase your ability to cultivate + circulate CA$H + make a big F-OFF contribution to the world with your overflowing ABUNDANCE? 

It's time to reset your DEFAULT + GROUND your biz foundations in SELF-WORTH + ROCK SOLID CONFIDENCE, so you can get out there and RECEIVE sweet REVENUE - just for being you!

Join me LIVE ONLINE Monday 13th to Friday 17th January 2025 for a chiropractic-adjustment-of-the-soul style experience and move from WEALTH LIMITATION to WEALTH LIBERATION in this 5 day intensive.


📣 Right now, grab one of 500 seats available for the LIVE WEALTH + WORTH ACTIVATIONS plus access to a POP UP COMMUNITY SPACE for the whole week - for just $33!