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S410: How to Alchemise Potential into Potency with Kylie Patchett
Wild + (finally fcking) Free·Kylie Patchett·Nov 5, 2024· 3 minutes

Kylie Patchett is a proudly neurosparkly, natural-born status-quo challenger who is uber-passionate about partnering with the disruptors, rebels and revolutionaries of the world to help them catalyse their raw potential into their full potency through voice + visibility alchemy. 

In this episode Kylie shares:

  • welcoming in ideal clients like a Mad Hatter's Tea Party!
  • my first trip in entrepreneurship and where it got me - working very freaking hard thank you very freaking much - due to working hard to make money conditioning, 'who the heck am I' thoughts and a massive side serve of hero caretaker complex 
  • the one strategy fits all approach and the causes of "failing to implement" a strategy can be two-fold 
  • how slapping best-fit strategy on top of a shaky foundation misses the key voice, visibility and identity pieces of thought leadership 
  • how the current social order conditions all of us to dim or downplay our desires ... and where that actually gets us
  • it is time to claim your desires, and to surrender to your magnificence, because the world needs you right now
  • common visibility blocks in entrepreneurs including fear of being seen due to judgement, rejection, persecution, being called out
  • how the witch wound plays into a voice barrier for paradigm-shifters as being afraid to step into their full power
  • how esoteric, spiritual or creative entrepreneurs can be 'all up in the clouds' but fail to add the practical magic of business strategy need to bring their work and ground it into reality
  • how to combine BOTH essential ingredients for soul-fuelled business success wrapped up into one big, bold, beautiful [STORYTELLING + SOUL SUPPORT] bundle

Connect with me on my Instagram Live Daily Series on Instagram to learn 7 forms of entrepreneurs through the lens of the 7 chakras and the specific symptoms of and ways that voice + visibility blocks show up for each type here: @kyliepatchettstorytelling 

Join Kylie for SEEN: Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries being held one time live November 15-25. 


Hey there beautiful! I have something for you! ⤵️


once ipad shadow

Cookie-cutter copywriting frameworks would have you believe that you need to write in a specific way

But the problem is (for us heart-driven paradigm-shifters at least) treating people like a number and manipulating them through a sausage-factory style, impersonal funnel does NOT feel like how we would naturally engage and interact in the real.

🚫 Writing like this can feel like you are SELLING YOUR SOUL, and can fuel a mistaken belief you have be a BS artist to make it in business.

🚫 Worse still - you REPEL YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS - the ones who are deep feelers and thinkers like us, the ones who are ready for the transformation and paradigm-shifting work you actually do!

⬇️ Download your ONCE UPON A TIME storytelling guide to learn ...

✍️ The difference between copywriting + storytelling, and how you're repelling your ideal people when you're using one-size-fits-all copywriting that doesn't feel like you

✍️ Storytelling structures you (may not know, but already love) from movies and exactly how to use these structures in your business, to share stories and build know, like and trust with your community and

✍️ The 6 soul-fuelled stories you should be sharing right now, so you can be magnetic to the people who need + want you the most, because being the best kept secret on the internet is NOT helping your ideal fits-like-a-glove clients find you!