Good girls do NOT lead revolutions
Good girls do NOT lead revolutions
Good girls do NOT claim their desires + call their dream clients in.
Good girls do NOT magnetise their tribes and create movements.
Good girls do NOT grow to their greatest ripple effect
And darn straight
Good girls do NOT transform
from healer to thought leader
from leader to paradigm shifter.
So I know you want to help everyone - and as a healer, or helper it’s probably your nature to want to keep the peace, not to rock the boat, keep everything chilled and calm.
BUT know this.
Maintaining that good girl persona
keeping everything chill, and not rocking the boat
LEAKS the power of you and your work
DILUTES your magic and
STIFLES your very creativity.
When you RESTRICT yourself and speak only to
The parts that are comfortable
The parts that are unoffensive
The parts that are safe
The parts that won’t invite criticism or judgement
The parts that won’t provoke or wake us up
You’re stealing from yourself.
And you’re stealing from the rest of us.
To contribute to all the lives, families, and businesses you really could,
To impact the way you were designed to do - from birth -
To stake a claim on your thought leadership
To truly shift the paradigms
requires you to speak the uncomfortable, the potentially offensive, the provocative, the unseen, the unheard and the untended parts.
To live right at the very edge of what you really think you could say
And cross the line to what you fear you shouldn’t or couldn’t
To find your unfiltered truth.
And to RAISE your voice, and SPEAK it anyway.
❤️🔥 Start here → SEEN: Voice + Visibility Activation custom crafted for DISRUPTORS, REBELS = REVOLUTIONARIES ❤️🔥
who are ready to step into the FULL potency of their paradigm-shifting work, so they can amplify their message to a whole new thought-leading level?
It's time to EXPAND your capacity to be SEEN + HEARD + RECOGNISED as the LEADER you were born to be.
SEEN is an 11-day Voice + Visibility Activation for Disruptors, Rebels and Revolutionaries - just $33
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