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Voice + Visibility

💥 You’re Not Her… Until You Decide You Are 💥

Here’s the truth no one tells you:

You’re not a woman who speaks her mind…
Until you decide you are.

You’re not a woman who takes up space, goes first, or shines unapologetically…
Until you decide you are.

You’re not a woman who holds magical space for her clients, leading with an open heart and unshakable trust…
Until you decide you are.

This …

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reverse engineering a quantum leap

Decided this was the year no more fucking around, I’d stand my ground and back myself

Set up layers of support in multiple ways - joined an online community marking the seasons of the year and grounded into natures cycles, worked with powerful womb healer to clean up old ancestral denseness which also led me reconnect with the power and m…

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this quantum leap may look like an overnight success...


For more than a year now the threads have been gathering … the form and texture taking shape in the liminal space between calling my power back from places i had self abdanoned or was wounded as a little person

as a medicine woman showed me my ancestral circle and I saw chains of luminous yellow flowers unfurl and intertwine thr…

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Real talk... I resisted the F outta this!

Something about going LIVE on Instagram terrified me. 

But the thing about being a paradigm shifter and thought leader is, we have to GO FIRST. 

I CANNOT in integrity teach visibility + voice expansion + claiming space as a thought leader in SEEN if I am not drinking from the same scary-as-fck cup.

So I eyeballed this fear and made a conscious decision to RUN TOWARDS IT as a way of playing with my own expansion edge

As part of this experiment, I have done 8 lives in the past 9 days, and there is n…

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my best friend cut me down ... and it hurt (but it also left me LIBERATED!)

It's the end of 2022.

I've been diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at the grand old age of 47, just four months before. As part of settling into the skin of someone with newly discovered “neurosparkliness,” I decide to be open with my online community about this diagnosis.

I write a heartfelt post, pouring out my relief, my anger, my excitement—everything I’m feeling, all at once. Honestly, it feels like I’ve left my heart on the floor. And while there's a hint of trepidation, the overwhelming sen…

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Good girls do NOT lead revolutions

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Good girls do NOT lead revolutions
Good girls do NOT claim their desires + call their dream clients in.
Good girls do NOT magnetise their tribes and create movements.⁠
Good girls do NOT grow to their greatest ripple effect⁠

And darn straight

Good girls do NOT transform ⁠
from healer to thought leader⁠
from leader to paradigm shifter. ⁠ ⁠

So I know you want to help everyone - and as a healer, or helper it’s probably your nature to want to keep the peace, not to rock the boat, keep everything chilled…

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Can you hold the pose…

Can you hold the pose…

- of a woman who clearly speaks her truth?
- of a woman who is a thought leader and wayshower?
- of a visionary CEO who knows her success is inevitable
- of a biz woman who launches effortlessly?
- of a woman who is so clean and clear with her?message she magnetises F YES clients with ease?

Stand up right now. Plant those beautiful feet on the floor. Ground your energy through the floor, the layers of the building and into the earth …

feel how fcking supported you are (by mama ea…

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Now is not the time to put up and shut up. The world needs you, your message + it’s medicine NOW.

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Now is not the time to put up and shut up. The world needs you, your message + it’s medicine NOW.

In my humble opinion, our world is pretty screwed right now.⁠

🚫 Our kids are stuck in education systems that treat them like a brain-on-legs whilst damaging any one of them that doesn't fit into the square hole norm⁠

🚫 the average worker is grinding in a soul-sucking job under fluorescent lighting for way more hours than is natural or healthy⁠

🚫 we are so much more 'connected' on socials but so much L…

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