
Wild + (finally fcking) Free

S4 E1: Aligning Your Business with Nature for Abundance, Fulfilment and Impact with Sam Garcia

Sam Garcia is here to connect your business and life with the genius systems of Nature. She is a business coach, healer, regenerative agriculture expert, and best-selling author.

Sam believes that business is the ultimate vehicle for shadow work and soul evolution, and has the biggest impact potential to change the world (or totally disrupt our fucked up society), more than any meditation or non-profit can.

She works with a host of modalities for business resilience—strategic, energetic, ps…

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S3 E31: Winter Storytelling Series Part 6 - Fortune Favours the Brave

Hello there. This is our final part of our six part winter storytelling series a series of six snack sized episodes whilst I take a winter hibernation break in Australia, it is breezing in country Queensland. So this last episode I have called the fortune favors the brave, and it's kind of a coalition of a lot of different things that I've been going through in my own business that have kind of.

reinforce some key messages for me that I thought would be helpful for you. I've had these con…

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Janet McGeever, Her Unique Medicine and the Truth that Set Me Free


This past weekend, I attended my dear friend Janet McGeever's retreat Womantime in Maleny in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

 Going into it, I didn’t know exactly what to expect.

 I just knew there was a deep pull in my heart to sit at the feet of someone I’ve always regarded as a wise, wise medicine woman.

 And I knew that living in a small rural community has me feeling like a neurosparkly, woo woo-loving, nature-worshipping, entrepreneurial alien.



To say the weekend was transformativ…

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S3 E30: Winter Storytelling Series Part 5 - I WANT to be a Thought Leader ... but ...

Hello there. Welcome to part five of the Winter Storytelling Series. So this is six snack bite size episodes about conversations that I have with my marketing and messaging clients who happen to also be heart driven, healers and helpers. So this episode is called I Want to Be a Thought Leader, but here's the thing, in my experience.

A lot of us that are driven to deliver big messages to the world will often come to that point through a challenge or something that they've transformed or so…

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S3 E29: Winter Storytelling Series Part 4 - Be Yourself, Everybody Else is Taken!

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to part four of this six-part snack-sized winter storytelling series whilst we take a break between seasons three and four. So this episode I chose to steal a line and I actually think it's an Oscar Wilde quote as well. I'm not quite sure about that. I probably should have googled it before I started recording.

But There was a, or is, a country music singer called Melinda Schneider, and she has a song, and the key point is be yourself, everybody else is taken.…

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S3 E28: Winter Storytelling Series Part 3 - If You're Magenta, WTF Are You Writing Like You're Vanilla?

Welcome to part three of our winter storytelling series. This is a six-part mini snack size series. While we have a little break between seasons of the episode this, this episode is called If You're Magenta, WTF Are You Writing Like You're Vanilla? Now I did write a blog post about this a little while ago, and it's something that a lot of people responded to and sent me DMS about.

And it came from a conversation I had with a client. And I've spoken about this on the podcast before, when I…

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S3 E27: Winter Storytelling Series Part 2 - YOU are the secret sauce

Hello, beautiful. This is part two of the six-part winter storytelling series. As we take a break between seasons three and four, this series is all about conversations that I often have with clients when I'm working with them on their marketing and their messaging. As far as capturing and communicating.

what they do in the world. This one is really important for me to know that you out there understand it. So often I hear people say, I have tried this copywriting framework and that type …

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S3 E26: Winter Storytelling Series Part 1 - Your Gifts are Meant to be Delivered to the World

Hello, beautiful. Welcome to the podcast. This is the winter storytelling series, and I'm sharing some common conversations that I have in a six-part series. That's just snack-sized. So the first thing that I find myself continually speaking about with my clients is that your gifts are meant to be delivered to the world.

I really strongly believe that every single one of us has a specific thing or talent or contribution to deliver. And a lot of us will find it quite

difficult to surren…

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S3 E25: Patriarchy, Gender Socialisation + Misogyny: The Triple Threat with Lisa Merlo-Booth

Lisa Merlo-Booth is a straight-talking and highly effective relationship expert, speaker, and blogger. She has over twenty years of experience in the field of therapy and relationship coaching and a thriving private practice with a client base of individuals and couples spanning the United States and Europe.

Lisa earned her Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Pepperdine University in 1991 and is a Graduate of Coach University. She is known for her lasered teaching and non-ju…

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S3 E24: How the Story Unfolds with Kez Wickham St George

*TRIGGER WARNING* Please note Kez and Kylie talk briefly about domestic violence in this episode. If this is a difficult or triggering subject for you, it may be best to leave this episode unheard.

With multiple best-selling books and two prestigious Gold Titan Awards under her belt, Kez Wickham St George is a literary force to be reckoned with. Her storytelling prowess has earned her numerous accolades and recognition in the literary world.

Kez’s inspiring talks have taken her to prestigi…

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